General Discussion

General Discussioncalibration test on smurf

Neue Matchergebnisse verspäten sich etwas, da die Dota 2 API derzeit ausser Betrieb ist.
calibration test on smurf in General Discussion

    season 1 end mmr : 4922 ; medal divine [2] @ 5250 highest

    calibration : LWLWW WWWLL

    All losses come with much deaths and except the last one. those losses were due to teammates on menstrual.

    Calibrated 5232. Total raised 310 mmr.

    if the last 2 games were won, i am pretty sure i would get more than 600 mmr increment, as i was playing against divine[v] and immortals.

    so dont lose hope. i have four more accounts to test.


      i have four more accounts to test. dafaq


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