General Discussion

General Discussionheroes that counter each other

heroes that counter each other in General Discussion
dont be thrilled by this ...

    i was thinking how many couple of heroes are there which counter each other in a way.

    (culling blade is a great counter of shallow grave and in the other hand for an offlaner axe its hard to farm with helix when facing daz with that shadow wave)

    Spectre <--> Slark
    (spectral dagger can disable slark from running and healing even with his ult or sb, consider it with that cd reduction, and slark can catch and essence shift him to death with his shadow dance) however they are typical bearer of some counter items too, spec makes bm+radi, slark makes silver edge.


      Timbersaw counters high armor strength heroes (himself)


        Wait he reduces strength on everyone now idek


          Bristle and slark

          Early game bb destroys slark and lategame slark just gets Ez stats and Silver Edge is core on him.


            monkey king / kunkka pickers in my games <-> my mmr


              Single target stuns/hexes <-> AM (once he has aghs)


                Skywrath and Pugna is one of my favorites.


                  You guys forgot the Ultimate one
                  PL <-> Medusa


                    you can culling even if enemy is grave


                      Seeker <-> Rubik in a way.


                        Kotl vs Nightstalker.
                        Is there any harder counter?

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          Pugna vs Tinker.

                          Tinker can one shot delete Pugna. while,
                          Pugna hurts Tinker with his Death Ward very bad.

                          Story Time

                            BS and Huskar?


                              riki <-> bh; bounty provides vision over riki but at the same time dies in a cloud of smoke


                                Meepo and Ember.


                                  Medusa - am
                                  Aa- alch moph
                                  Meepo - sven
                                  Et- tb


                                    Slark and Bloodseeker