General Discussion

General DiscussionHow did I get +500 MMR in 2 weekends?

How did I get +500 MMR in 2 weekends? in General Discussion

    Ask me how

    me, government hooker

      dont care


        It's cuz ur gay


          but ur the same rank as u were 9 years ago


            ^ yeah. And its funny i only needed 4 days to get +500 mmr.

            Next up: 4.5k - 5k.

            Pepper & Salt

              senpai, teach me how

              Lruce Bee

                Lucky win streak? Or did u change something about your playing

                Tu tayta

                  Aren't you the guy who routinely gains 500-800 MMR before losing it all again 2 months later?


                    @HanYolo I stopped spamming carry

                    @Tu tayta you're right. That's why I'm very scared playing nowadays. With this big of a momentum, I could be just couple of cancer games away from tilting and going back to my old ways.

                    4.6k MMR was my ceiling about couple of years ago. I intend to break that and reach 5k MMR.


                      I played 14 different heroes and went 22-5

                      Razor 3-0
                      Wraith King 3-0
                      Spiritbreaker 2-0
                      Axe 2-0
                      Venomancer 2-0
                      Lycan 2-1
                      Spectre 2-1
                      Luna 1-0
                      Bristleback 1-0
                      Nyx 1-0
                      Clockwerk 1-0
                      Silencer 1-1
                      Omniknight 1-1
                      Bloodseeker 0-1


                        Atleast your more consistent then me , my highest was 4.5k had to quit dota 3 times since then but currently at 3.4k , i drooped to 3.9k after quoting first time then all the way down to 2.7k after second time quitting . Luckily after third time quoting I didn’t drop any at all cuz I don’t wanna go back to 2k gaming :( . I wanna just get up to like 3.9 k at this point


                          ^ you can do it, you just have to adjust.

                          Every patch has meta changes and it comes with it behavior and psychological changes from teammates and enemies.


                            way to make everyone suck your e-peen


                              Black dragon big swings in mmr could be sign of bi polar , if your manic you will play way higher than your current mmr and when down you will play worse than your mmr losing it . I dunno if I am or not but the military docs are suspecting it .

                              quest to questing

                                congratulations, you're adjusting your hero pool

                                at last

                                instead of spamming

                                quest to questing

                                  i'm that guy that argued constantly with you on your blog on how your fucking specter stats were inflated

                                  because it was a specter

                                  this is my smurf

                                  Retnuh Flim

                                    @blackxargon how do I reach 4k :(
                                    I calibrated 2.7 I'm around 3.2k now. I just spam Lich support. How do I get better :( pls help really wish to get 4k as I'll quit dota soon (looking for a job soon, about to graduate)

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                                    A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                      lol reach divine 200++ like me before talking

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        lol reach divine 200++ like me before talking

                                        rank <50 players please dont post here tyvm!


                                          I reached 4.2k spamming Huskar than i got tired of him and dropped to 3.4k


                                            @Filthy that comment made me lookup about bipolar disorder and it kind of giving me a scare now lol. Let's see. But I personally can justify that a lot of my games is more psychologically/mindset impacted more than skill. I have mentioned it in my blog few years before (ie. Breakup issues, girlfriend issues etc).

                                            Right now I'm in a very stable relationship and have very predictable activities and routines. And clearly this has affected my level of play.

                                            But, technically there has been some changes as well and I do think they have also been a big factor. I will prepare some blog posts soon to talk about these.

                                            Lruce Bee

                                              So you were stuck because you spammed heroes you weren't good at? Like Luna?


                                                ^ Not really. Yes, there's always a learning curve for each hero you want to spam. But you'll encounter different problems after that which will hinder your progress depending on how you'll take the losses and the cancerous teammates.

                                                1. 1st picking your spam hero to ensure you get to play it
                                                2. Getting countered by enemy team
                                                3. Cancer: Multiple safelane carries, no support junglers

                                                Above reasons alone can already occur 30-50% of the time depending on Gaben.


                                                  A year ago i reached 3.3k from 2.3k (no joke) by picking centuar and alchemist in short time (2 months?) . Then offlane got nerfed by exp change and cent became not-so-good (not-so-bad either) and alche was made useless by lord gabenoob . I looked for more meta heroes for my style . Now spamming carries i reached 3.8k from 3.3k in 2 weeks . They already nerfed my fucking doom and ns . Dont nerf spectre please .

                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                    ^ just wait until TI, Volvo said they wont do 2 weeks patches anymore after that, they gonna cash out and peace it. As a result meta will finally stabilize and you can spam stuff again.