General Discussion

General DiscussionChina Supermajor Hero Picks

China Supermajor Hero Picks in General Discussion

    Why do you think teams (and this has been true for the last several tournaments) continue to religiously pick underperforming heroes. The current examples would include DP, DK, and PL who are being picked up heavily yet have posted win rates of 40, 33, and 16 % respectively.

    My theory is that the Captains of these teams are so concerned with not getting labeled as “out drafted” that they simply pick the same heroes other people pick. The teams with the most diverse hero picks usually have the most secure captains I.e Team Secret.

    Yet many of the heroes who have only been picked 1-3 times have had massive impacts on the game. The Chaos Knight game and Clinkz game being examples where these heroes single handedly stomped the game. You would think more drafts would try to “test” these heroes out but that does not seem to happen.

    Just trying to post an actual topic other than “I’m 3K MMR how do I git gud”


      weak teams try to pick meta heroes for examp : everyone picking TB or Gyro while only few teams win with them
      those 1 - 3 picks that stomps games are called situational picks exampl hero : brood mother


        Secret and Liquid are the teams with the most diverse hero picks i think, especially their pos 1 since Ace and Matu always drafted with out of the box carry heroes


          ur not a 3k even so git gud


            ^ u don't even need to be 3k to know 8 armor is>> 25 AS i mean the fuck man 👨🏿 yes he owned with double rampages but really nugge?


              Crusader 1 is 3k mmr? Opie op.

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Windranger support


                  Thank you for pointing out that I am not currently at 3K MMR. Unfortunately I have things like children, a wife, a job, etc... and have to do other things besides watch porn in my moms basement and play video games. I do enjoy e sports though. Thank you for the irrelevant statements though, they are appreciated.


                    Apparently being 3k also means you are a disgrace to humanity and shouldn't, under any circumstances, post or ask questions on Dota forums.


                      you actually could learn much stuffs on dota if you really want,but most people just want "enjoy" and not tryharding by watching replays and reading
                      learning is so much better than just playing blindly


                        Real man always first pick riki brother, thats why chinese has small bird

                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                          i actually very confused wat is the meta now,need that tournament blogpos tfrom dotabuff day1 day 2 day3 etc lol



                            What do you read yo get better? Only source that comes to mind is the wiki. By the way can you tell me what to look for in replays in a bit of detail? Would be awesomesauce to learn from you



                              this 3 is the best guide that i ever seen,must read

                              er,i also read wiki to understand skills descriptions more when i'm confused. i can't really think other guides rather than these right now

                              watching good people replays is the same as reading guide too by the way