General Discussion

General Discussioncant believe party mmr still not fixed yet?

cant believe party mmr still not fixed yet? in General Discussion

    what is happening ryt now?an 8-7 win-loss record in party mmr promotes you from legend(1) to ancient(0)? really valve? time to make it to ancient(5) in 1 day i guess, omegalul


      so I just found out that every win in team challenge with the use of team challenge token is = 1 rank up?so medal doesnt correlate to your mmr now?

      Dark Hunter

        I don't think anyone knows anymore tbf

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          can't believe this is happening after I worked so hard just to grind to this still shit bracket of mine,then one day, one of the player in my friendlist in dota 2 with an effing 47% winrate in ranked matches just sailing through the medal in just 1 day, good job valve


            Why are you crying when you can just do the same?

            but u said dota was fun :(

              Who wants a high part mmr than their solo, man? For example, someone with an archon solo then ancient party. See how hard it is for them when they solo queue and their team mates? It only works positively for people with already high individual skills.

              but u said dota was fun :(

                In that case, medal is just a design. Hope this gets addressed in the next patch, the discrepancy in party and solo mmr should be considered. There should just be an allowable range between them and the avarage should be considered when finding them a match. Here you go trusting an ancient 4 or 5 mid carry then they play like shit. Almost positive that this will be addressed hard in the next patch, I think. Don't worry.


                  thats the point,for me as i play mainly pos 4 now,I dont wanna play with crusaders or smth(no offense) with an Ancient medal bcuz of the team challenge token, cuz in SEA server the only basis is the medal,if they have higher medal than you they think they're superior and guess what will happen to all those players from the bottom that got ancient now, guess what rank will be more cancerous now


                    And even if you go and check "strict solo matchmaking" it can still match you with a 2-stack party if there are a few users online. Then those 2 will probably be in your party "party ancient 5s" but solo archons, while the enemy has actual, solo ancient 4-divine 1s.


                      Thats what differ ancient d0g and divine g0d