General Discussion

General Discussion1.5K Tinker Player (But i have good mechanics) w/ Clip

1.5K Tinker Player (But i have good mechanics) w/ Clip in General Discussion

    So i think i have great mechanics on champs like storm and tinker, however i dont climb well, if anybody can help me out and watch one of my replays (i watch my own replays) or even just look at my account and give me some pointers i'd appreciate it.



      but u said dota was fun :(

        Out of all the best tinker players, the one that is consistent is radical's build. All other builds like yours are agressive and at some point falls off in late game. The build is usual, soul ring > bot > dagger then shiva's > hex. Then dagon.

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          People in 1.5k can't react well to a decent tinker player. Most players in that trench are basically melee/ranged creeps with items from the way they play.


            i play HotS Dota 2 and league every now and then but im starting to settle back into dota, feels weird to call champs heroes rn

            flourishing new leaf

              Watch any tinker pub star and try to do the same! You should be getting better fast


                Here's my 2 cents. If you're having trouble getting out of 1k mmr then then you should try playing heroes which are less focused on executing complex mechanics. That's how you'll get yourself to learn the basics of the game which you obviously haven't mastered yet.


                  pick heroes that could actually siege because you would be dependent on teammates who would prioritize farming to get objectives for you

                  Potato Marshal

                    If you had good mechanics for a 1.5k Tinker, then you'd at least have a positive winrate with him

                    sittu miati janah

                      another delusional shit, because he have spammed his rocket laser and dagon he thinks hes that good mechanically, main thing about tinker actually is position, looking at ur play ur just spamming skills and items without any pressures given that ur team is on the lead and ur on a low skill tier but eventually when uve played tinker on a higher skill tier u wont be able to do that how much more if ur fucked early game. watch how pros play and learn to analyze what really is that hero is all about.


                        Tinker is less about pressing buttons,it comes between 50-100 games. Tinker is about mind game (thats why i like this hero).If you do all right game is in your hands => control map,surprise enemy,punish any solo farming heroes or supports trying to ward/ deward , make them waste time catching you and again punish any mistake.With this your carry will have enough space ant time to get items above enemy's.

                        Machado98 #xatubaking

                          You die a lot dude, it can't happen with tinker, specially in a bracket where coordinated ganks hardly ever happen

                          Besides, you might have good mechanics but solo carrying games as tinker requires way more, you have to be way better than your bracket to solo carry the game, otherwise tinker would be broken af and would have way higher winrate

                          When you are at the same skill as your team and the enemy you are just a space creator for your carry and if he sucks you won't win

                          But if you are up to a consistent and slow grind just get better at the game slowly, no worries. For a start point I would advise you to die less, you are tinker, you are way too important to die