General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get to divine?

How to get to divine? in General Discussion

    Should I try spamming one hero or just adjust to the team pickings?


      ur being cancer by spamming heroes rank doesnt matter if you do all this shit

      Leafclubb🍃 ♫

        Looking at your recent matches, you're doing pretty well. Atleast have a hero pool tho.

        Still strange that some people can be Ancient and above with only a few matches.


          1. git gud
          2. destroyus ancientus


            Well ya, adjust to the enemy picks the best possible. You don't go picking Huskar/Morph after an AA pick.

            You can have a couple of heros for each role you play. If you have 3 solid picks for each position, chances are one of the 3 that your "GUD" with won't be countered and you can cruise to victory....

            EZ MMR


              literally just do not feed


                after hundreds of hours of studying the scientist community found that the only way to get good is to GIT GUD


                  There is no easy way. Even if you play without mistakes on any position Lord Gaben can and will take your pts back. It is just the way it works. If you don't want to play normal than just change your attitude towards your ranked games and try to do everything you can to win your game eventually you will increase your mmr.

                  And yeah, the best lane in the game for this is mid because you can make the most impact. Thus, boosters go mid and pick unorthodox heroes like visage or arc warden and carry games solo.


                    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                      Wait. Boosters pick arc warden?!

                      Mos Likely

                        Spamming is love, spamming is life

                        Fuck you

                          if my friend's medal is ancient and i always party with him in ranked match does that means i will have a higher mmr? because of playing with him with ancient medal