General Discussion

General DiscussionBest support to pick for 2-1-2 laning?

Best support to pick for 2-1-2 laning? in General Discussion

    For the offlane.





        low impact palyer

          Veno and Silencer are always fun.


            Undying veno


              Nukers or spammers are the best if you are paired with a lane winner like Axe. I’ve seen the skywrath Axe combo a few times now since it was run at Epicentre.

              Bristle plus kotl or bristle plus wisp has also caused heaps of issues for me in several games. Lost he lane to it every time.

              Lich plus Axe would also be very good. Also seen veno sometimes but he’s more susceptible - eg if you enemy is a jug and they have a stun or slow he just spins and runs veno down.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Nature's Prophet is pos 5 now


                  I think at low mmrs any support can work
                  At ur mmr I've seen willow,lich,lesh,some skywrath,some pugna


                    WW offlane 1st skill


                      fucking jakiro


                        axe/bristleback+omniknight/dazzle - sand king+ disruptor / Shaman - clockwerk + bane - Jakiro + night stalker. Duals are love.

                        Hans Herman

                          What you want is to pair a beefy frontliner (Doom, Axe, Clock, Underlord or Beastmaster) with a damage dealer (Sky, Jakiro, Lesh, Dark Willow or Lich).

                          What you achieve by laning this way is an emense pressure on the opposing farming core. At this point your opponents have two options. They either have to rotate their 4. Position to try and deal with your lane or (less preferably) they have to put the same amount of pressure on your own farming core. At this point the game will come down to other factors like how much farm either core needs to come online.

                          At 5k+ I would personally think never to pick Bristle, Dazzle, Crystal Maiden, Natures Prophet and Undying as other have suggested. Those heroes are trash atm.

                          Hans Herman

                            For refrence here is a Vod of me (Doom) and Sky (Divine 3) completely trashing Gorgc's lane just by running a strong duo. As a result Bara had to focus on us which led to our mid (Windranger vs Tinker) and botlane (Antimage and Disruptor vs Sandking) winning hard.


                            arrogant adolescent

                              Lesh is the answer to anything.


                                For offlane, you would like to make life miserable of enemy carry. Pick supports with low cool downs that you can spam on them, and with quick kill potential but also who can roam mid for quick ganks.

                                Skywraith Mage
                                Shadow Demon
                                Night Stalker

                                If you think your offlane needs some heals, pick:


                                Bazooka Joe

                                  The black dude with an asian name, Chen.

                                  He can easily zone out enemy supports and prevent pulling while giving the offlaner all the xp that he can get. You just have to learn what to do with the creeps that you get.


                                    Skywrath is nuts rn I think


                                      I used to spam chen but i have 150 ping recently(fuck ph internet seriously) any easier heroes to play that is fine with lag?


                                        I played cm with 240 ping so u can do it with 150


                                          learn dark willow trust me it works

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo



                                              Sky bane chen nightstalker lesh are pretty good in this meta but any roaming hero works really