General Discussion

General DiscussionRole matchmaking in SEA

Role matchmaking in SEA in General Discussion
i am REHI

    Im sure here in sea that mode will take longer queue times because everyone will pick "carry" as their role. Whenever you pick "support" as you role, you will queue in faster then say in game "i just picked support just to find matches faster, fk u me mid 2 tangoes"

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      pretty much everywhere is still the same, i used to play on SEA but even then i actually prefer SEA over other server ( in my bracket ofc ).

      Lruce Bee

        Lol just queue support but first pick core anyway.

        2 B R 0 2 B

          Why the fuck majority of retarded SEA Player love to pick carry and mid and ask for cheap ass tango and ward ?


            @YEN SAMPUN because all the pro mid players do it so i have to do it too

            then proceed to go 0 10 on the same game because 90 percent of the time ppl still dont know what they're doing

            me included kappa


              Hahaha balinese

              High five my brother


                Roles in sea actually really easy expecially for pinoy

                Look at this, brother

                Jungle carry : their role is to afk 20-25minutes farming in jungle and start to play with retard item, then dive enemy tower and feed

                Hard carry : their role is more important than jungle carry because they need afk farm for 50minutes or more

                Off carry : their role is stay on offlane and feeding enemy safelane, u can basically know them by looking at their profile 0-15 at minutes 5, and their profile disconnected after that

                Carry : this is the most flexible role my brother..because they can change role from carry to support because no one ever bothering to buy ward on SEA

                Mid carry : their role is camp on mid for 20minutes, steal kill and the most smartest person on SEA


                  This game is already dead so why bother? Sea players are cancers, want core but cant play core well, first picks void and misses chronoes all the time, first pick jugg but cries when omni zones him out, first pick luna but cries when enemy ganks her and still doesnt want to buy raindrop.


                    My experience in SEA has improved but both the games i played had techies as support :(


                      ^ just keep playing you got positive winrate you will just keep increasing your mmr without knowing but sea is a bad server. Better than my experiences with russians tho they blame a lot more than ppl in sea and they can't play like shit