General Discussion

General DiscussionWindranger in 7.14

Windranger in 7.14 in General Discussion

    Windranger got a pretty strong buff in 7.14. I think she might become a strong situational pick in this patch.

    Both of her ability got buffed pretty decently.

    +more attack speed for rapid fire
    +increase damage for powershot

    But the major buff for her is the maelstrom change (works so well with the ultimate buff). She can pretty much solo kill almost anyone with her early maelstrom.

    With the nerf to blink dagger and hurricane pike. I'm guessing she would go for sustain items instead. (Possibly linken to cope with her lack of regen)(or maybe bkb)(or anything that give her more health, possibly aeon disc?)

    To me she seems much more viable than ever before. What do you guys think?

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      Shes always been a terrifiying laner given the right circumstamces, for example she does well against a viper, but not a zeus or sf with burst. She can trade because of total evasion and slow, windrun is a great laning tool. I personally play her offlane cause it’s fun and I win my lane, but after that she falls off and what she offers isn’t ussually enough from a 2 or 3


        The Powershot buff enables her to farm waves at faster rate, means more farm and pushes faster. She is a great and viable offlaner now. With only maelstrom she can kill all squishies. But still her greatest weakness is in teamfight.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          A HUGE patch for her! MKB now sort of back to pre-7.07 but cheaper and deals more proc damage(which is amplified by INT)
          Blink Dagger is just nerfed a bit if you compare it to Force Staff


            Just tried maelstrom on her and it was really mediocre - not enough burst damage for her to kill anybody except squishy supps, even during max stun. So will probably go on with dual javs, as it provides some burst. It doesnt help farming either, as her attack speed sucks.

            no tilt

              her problem is that her ult isn't even a skill without aghs. 70 sec cd at every level is too much.
              she needs a lot of items to be effective but cant farm. they keep buffing her in unnecessary ways like the ult while moving change.


                Still fodder for my visage




                    The issue is the lower AS for the ulti - before, you stun and you just burst anybody and dont need to move, as you kill anybody within 4 secs. Now you need 2 items to burst anybody but supports. And Aghs is not that helpful until you have mkb/other dmg item anyway.

                    MKB before was actually nice "farming" item - decent AS, so you could clear any camp with W and few hits. Now you dont have AS for anything.

                    Bill Cutting

                      @Ywn what heroes do u think will be strong now?


                        techies and wisp

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Before the Focus Fire change, WR didn't actually get to kill a lot with the Blink+Shackle+Focus Fire routine.
                          With the moving Focus Fire, you can Focus Fire someone and Windrun around instead of just standing there with you almighty 100% evasion, your Windrun ms boost and slow are actually put to use, you rely less on Blink + Shackle. It opens up more plays, more rewards.
                          It's a necessary change, because the hero's name is Windrunner.
                          Edit: Sorry, WAS Windrunner.

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                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            FTM.Iceberg just played a sick WR game against Liquid and owned them real quick
                            I played some Turbo games with her and she can actually fight a whole lot better than before because of the moving Focus Fire

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Dendi plays WR, NaVi won game 2 against VP.


                                Wr feels weak still.


                                  see profile


                                    Can you skip/delay boots and max windrun now?

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      It's okay to skip Phase/Tread for Maelstrom if you feel like it.
                                      Two or three points in Windrun should be enough though.