General Discussion

General DiscussionI’m actually sad that they are going to nerf Riki

I’m actually sad that they are going to nerf Riki in General Discussion

    He is actually viable for the first time, it’s the only chance that we can actually see him being played at TI.

    He is going to be nerfed to the ground cause people are crying like slardar, blood and dust don’t exist.

    Damm it.

    i follow Jesus.

      dogshit hero


        People don't know how to take advantage of heroes weakness. Riki is horrible early game. Hes got low hp, one of the weakest right click and move speed. Until he gets some item is little more than a glorified ward.


          Nothong is forover in volvo


            in 3-4k bracket, he is shit. when enemy team grouped up you cant do anything especially when supports carry sentries, dust or gem.


              How hard do guys think the nerf will be? When will it come?


                in divine bracket he is shit, constantly getting >10 deaths every game unless played properly or outdrafted.


                  who said there be a nerf ?


                    @m-god, what a coincidence, i met u earlier when i was in solo queue

                    flourishing new leaf

                      I think a ~30 ms nerf should be enough to make him fair.


                        remove along with techies

                        Pale Mannie

                          how is he going to get nerfed when the only rank where riki is OP is in herald shithole

                          Pale Mannie

                            how is he going to get nerfed when the only rank where riki is OP is in herald shithole


                              The only hero that needs removed is Techies. Dog shit hero mechanics.


                                Im on a 12 win streak with rikki offlane, i can safely say that it needs a nerf. What all seems to consider counters, are for me just shitty cores and exhausting gold on consumables. If you want my advise, have a strong hero 1v1 rikki and focus on other lanes. Focus on objectives and don't let it get to lategame.


                                  I'm saying he will get nerfed cause that's what people are saying in reddit and this forums

                                  D Shoom

                                    @mgod most played hero is riki xD


                                      that heros needs a nerf for sure,it's bullshit that a pos 4 riki can solo pos 1 of enemy at 25 min.end of discussion


                                        ehh... @ Reso.....

                                        I do not mind when the enemy picks oh riki diki cause it means EZ MMR for me.
                                        pos 4 riki is all about snowballing off a stupid ass support that doesn't buy wards OR doesn't get a force staff.

                                        Get those items and suddenyl riki isn't going 10-3-11 at 25 mins.
                                        Your core shouldnt die to a solo riki unless they are jungling at 40% HP which is dumb.

                                        A riki that doesn't get fed is ez pz. SHould the game go 50 mins... yeah thats a problem for sure.

                                        low prio master

                                          I agree hes a dogshit hero,completely useless competively.But thanks to his ulti broken later in game if we consider hes a perma invis hero.
                                          Hes 1st in global winrate,i would say that shouldn't happend with invis hero.Ofc hes imba in normal skill games.Nerf is coming for sure,otherwise normal skill players gonna,cry,spam reddit,and quiting game - which icefrog simply can't afford as we are biggest part of community.


                                            I honestly don't mind seeing riki picked on the opposite team... A few sentries early game means he doesn't hit his power spike on time which makes for a pretty easy midgame most times... If he can't snowball he's little more then an annoyance...


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                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                Why the fuck dotabuff says Riki's highest pickrate is in my bracket but I only got to play with a safelane riki once?

                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                  "for the first time" how long u been playing this game lmao


                                                    Tell me his pick rate in TI.

                                                    I’ll wait.


                                                      ^man, icefrog doesnt give a fuck about pubstompers, unless he gets picked orbanned every game like gyro tiny razor in the pro meta then valve will nerf him

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                                                        well riki's winrate is still above 55% and even though his design seems a bit weak, he has a lot to offer: enemy has to buy detection and be very aware of where riki is or/and will move (economic control). he makes certain picks not viable or at least will make their live a livivng hell (like any jungler, enigma or storm...) he is very flexible in his item build and has strong talents (4 sec cd on 6 sec duration smoke screen, 1500 leap, with aghanim he is invulnerable and untargetable 33% of all the time)... imho he is super strong but requires coordination and some sort of setup.

                                                        for all the ppl crying out get detection: once riki has aghanim any dust will be useles, a euls, lotus, manta or even a hotd (get the purge sartyr) will also do the trick. or get a blink... just ult, wait 3 sec and let them guess where you are. he is super elusive

                                                        Pasi Virhearvio

                                                          Reddit crying about a hero doesn't mean that it will get nerfed.

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            He just does too much damage with very little items at the moment, they'll probably just nerf his ult attack rate and raise the cooldown or something.


                                                              he will be garbage tier if they do that tho
                                                              his rework will have resulted in an overall nerf to the hero.

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                He's invincible and attacking at practically the same attack speed as a 6 six slotted carry for 6 seconds every 30 seconds. He scales way too well for too little gold. Items like a simple aquila gives him 28 damage for less than 1k gold, items like diffusal gives him like 80 damage per hit in ult for only 3k gold. They need to either tweak his ult, or backstab damage.

                                                                주 롄양

                                                                  wait, perma invis after 25? who tf take that talent


                                                                    No one


                                                                      Don't care if he is not used in pro games. Riki needs to stop dumpstering games.


                                                                        Riki isnt good for pro scene perhaps but he is defenetly pubstomper ( 3rd most played and insane win-rate of 57.33%). As much as i enjoy riki i think he needs small nerfes here and there ( his talnetns are too good , etc. ) .