Sniper: Pretty good right now, and yeah build still the same
Troll: Hasnt been picked much in my 2k games seems pretty weak when picked
DK: In a good spot, pretty boring to play imo
Weaver: Not sure tbh. seems to squishy for this meta
Dusa: Super strong in the right team and if not countered by manaburn ofc
TB: Dont go BF on him unless you're going to be farming constantly
Lycan dream seems dead aswell
Storm still amazing
QOP mid is also good if not a lot of disables
SF mid both are good
as for carries
Jugg seems pretty solid
PA also pretty strong
Void beast lategame
And windranger, that ult chase is OP if they dont have any escapes
But what do i know i'm just a 2k pleb
u dont bf on tb rlly, rtz did it one but its not rlly good
dont listen to windranger, rofl the hero is ultra trash
lycan is good, helm rush into necronomicon, eat towers
tb also good, just do the usual lance manta type stuff, just maybe get drums
troll is very good in the pro scene rn apparently, not super sure abt pubs but im sure it can work
build is bf yasha bkb sny, or bf sny bkb, then ur situational stuff
dk usually goes shit like drum armlet blink bkb sb halberd, the usual, mjollnir isnt rlly that good but other dmg items are
other meta heroes r like luna and void, dont know anything else rlly
Man troll is rough. Too many supports/cc/ranged heroes getting picked, I couldn't hit anyone. Idk if every game is like that? This seems to be a really support centric meta, lion, ss, disruptor, all guys who fuck troll pretty hard.
Lycan is one of the best heroes in the game right now and no1 plays him. The buffs to HOD makes his army run around killing base before 30 minutes.
Other carries to consider in the current Meta are Luna and Gyro. Faceless Void is also in a super good place right now. He literally needs no items and can still solo kill with ult.
Battle Fury in general is in the meta since the gold changes. I wouldnt recommend it on TB tho.
Gyro and Jugg are most picked
Void is pretty damn strong atm alongside OD
"Cancer" riki is still easily countered. In my last match, I am a crusader 5 Rhasta and made life hell for a legend 4 riki on opposite team with constant wards and dust. Thats how terrible riki is.
Having a high medal just means he calibrated too high/bought an account. Doesn't mean he's better than you.
todays meta is all about tempo carries,hero's that have a good early game and can take objectives lets mention a few heros.
Tb:he's pretty damn strong,his power spikes are 20 and 25 with respective talents,he has a decent laning stage(high armor and meta)with really powerful mid to late game.
Luna:great laning stage,flash farmer,high movement speed,can push really fast,great teamfight present.
pa;not really strong in ancient bracket,the hero can be countered so well.but still pretty decent.
void:he's in a very good position in this meta.
jugger:nearly always a good pick.
gyro:i think the flack canon nerf really hurts.thats like 1/3 cooldown added.
slark:if they have lion or shaman,just don't pick it:))you'll have a harddd time.
troll:he's strong as always but there is no powerspike at level 20 25.unlike other carries.
dusa:no place in this meta,too slow.
sven:below average in this meta,needs some buffs,stilll counters pL and meepo.
lifestealer:currently two ways to play either rad+meladion or classic armlet.the first one has less tempo but really hurts enemy carry if he's not a mkb carrier.
about tb bf:some times there is no depusher in your team and u need to do that,yeah the illusions help but about 70 percent of the game ur in melee boosts farming speed of hero by 150-200 gpm.pretty situational
Ls, troll, lycan, tb, gyro, jugg, Luna, void seems to a good list
Most other heroes r situational to bad
Issue for me with gyro is it always seems enemies grab 1-3 blade mails and you basically can't attack until those wear off. You won't out lifesteal the dmg unless it's an active satanic. I also still love the aghs maelstrom build so it's even more aoe, which is probably the wrong build but whatever. I don't really like gyro right now as is.
Troll you are right, no spikes late, he's really more of a mid game hero plus late supports have so many ways to deal with him and he gets kited.
But he's still amazing if your team is decent. Like this game my supports finally held people in place and I just bashed them to death. Then dazzle would heal us up so we could just keep on pushing. I was going to pick ck initially but they picked es first pick and I didn't like the matchup.
yeah sure,u just need to pick ur hero according to their draft,if the've got a crimson guard builder+blademail,surely gyro isn't a good hero.ur gonna dish out really low dmg.troll is decent in late game.but tb jugger and void are the monsters of late game.
rly?even a pos 3 wr may solo pa can just get shitted on by a jugg's ult litteraly shitted on.etc
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I haven't played in 6 months and am wondering what carries to pick. Here's some of the ones I like to play with my thoughts on their current state. Please feel free to comment on any, offer suggestions, and if you have anything I didn't mention go for it. Though I'm not looking to master something crazy like invoker or morph.
Sniper - one of my all time favorite heroes, pretty decent win rate in 3k, but he gets boring. Build is still mask into pike? Meh, it's kind of old, he hasn't seen changes in forever.
Troll - My second favorite hero, but he seems a bit weak right now. Also not sure how I would build him. Pros get battlefury on him which just seems crazy but what do I know? Then do you get the blink or shadow blade or neither? My old stand by used to always be phase, morbid mask, s&y, bkb, mkb/daedulus, satanic, skadi.
DK - another pretty dull hero but I like him nonetheless. Since they got rid of his attack speed talent though I'm not sure. I used to play him as a farmer with mjollnir but now he seems slotted into a tank role.
Weaver - I really like playing weaver as a carry. I think he's too fragile for offlane, people just ward and dust a lot now and bring a few disables and you're toast. But he severely lacks dmg, farms like shit. Not sure he's that playable.
Medusa - I used to like this hero a lot but she's too slow for current meta and he win rates seem to agree. Pretty bad right now, game has passed her by I think.
TB - I can get on board with TB. Main question again is battlefury. Idk why pros are doing it but they are! Seems even crazier since half the time he is ranged.
Lycan - last time I played him it was the ultra low cd shapeshift man fighter build but it seems like it's changed back to creep build.
That's just my thoughts on a few guys. I also like wraith king, ck, sven is ok. I like jug but suck at him. Luna and drow are fun sometimes.