General Discussion

General DiscussionIdea: Glass Canon Trick

Idea: Glass Canon Trick in General Discussion
Story Time

    So if your team is going to have 1 glass canon hero, then go on and pick another glass canon! Because then the enemy will lose a lot of time by deciding which one to focus while you simply cross-shoot it form 2 sides :D

    boni top fan

      xD, its like having a sniper and drow on the same team while drow is the support and watch sniper rape enemy team with his retarded 99999999999999 dps


        Yeah sure big guy go ahead and have sniper and drow in your team

        boni top fan

          ^y not make it 4 glass cannons, get drow, weaver greedy pos 4, clinkz offlane, sniper mid, then any poor hard support


            This gives me flashbacks of the days when i played in 4k and watched my teammates pick something like drow carry and arc warden mid against a lycan who would just run at them and then they'd wonder why they lost the game

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              4k is a joke 3k is hell


                I actually winned against a huskar and omni with drow sniper weaver me being drow and that was before drows silence buff

                Sniper+drow is great if enemy lacks good initiators


                  Winned is my new favorite of non existence words


                    winnedening is so fun