General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Diffusal overrated on a safe lane Riki?

Is Diffusal overrated on a safe lane Riki? in General Discussion

    I think with the new 7.12 safe lane Riki this item is no longer good enough to purchase. In pretty much every game he needs Battlefury first. After finishing BF I don't think spending 3.1k gold on a mediocre item is justified. Diffusal can't purge anymore, mana burn is underwhelming on him. Of course slow in the cloud is nice & AGI is nice, but soon after the purchase enemies will get BKBs/Forces/Glimmers, and it will lose a lot of its efficiency. I personally think that the 2nd item after BF should nearly always be Yasha for extra mobility (the hero is slow as fuck), and even S&Y seems really good. Of course it minimizes solo kill potential, but accelerates farming, scales better & extra mobility brings more presence on the map. With S&Y he is also quite tanky, so it's not easy to burst him down. Basher on him is insanely good & should always get purchased at one point. Nullifier is pretty much a must at some point, and is way superior to the underwhelming Diffusal. I see no reason to purchase Diffusal over Nullifier that gives better dmg, can mute, purge, and even gives some nice armor. I personally think that Diffusal is only good on a roaming Riki because how little gold he gets. My 6 slotted Riki would probably look like this:

    Battlefury, S&Y, Abyssal, Skadi, Butterfly, Nullifier

    I don't see a space for overnerfed Diffusal.


      I don't even see how with bf he farms better
      It's still pretty slow considering ur an agi hero with bf
      U might as well go diffusal first some games tbh


        ^I don't know if you are trolling or what but battlefury is a farming item esp. great on AGI heroes...With Fury it's not hard to get 10lh/min on Riki. He can blink to camps & really used well mana/hp regen it provides.


          yeah definitely go for all of these damage items and don't ever think about buying a bkb, aeon disk, or lotus and i'll be laughing as i push your base with a gem


            i dont think u nede bkb if u have aghs
            with that u might want defensive manta incase u get silenced, otherwise seems unecessary to have bkb


              ur still like a 40 base dmg riki hitting creeps from the front, i dont see how bf can increase it by enough where its mandatory every game


                I think you're getting confused here. Battlefury is for creeps, aghs is for heroes. BF gives you dmg and more importantly, cleave, which is why it helps you farm.

                Potato Marshal

                  Who cares about base damage when we're talking about farming mid to late game with a battle fury. You're backstabbing and cleaving every wave of lane creeps, so you're already doing over 50 damage from the backstab bonus by the time you get your battle fury.


                    Rain - I think Riki is not a good BKB hero. I personally think that he should blink into ulti & blink out to safety after it's done. He is not suppose to manfight. I treat him as a walking ultimate. Aghs in some games is core. Ulti has such a low cd that you can disengage & engage again with it.


                      i dunno,i think it's either you choose diffusal/deso/bf
                      diffu vs those puck/storm guys

                      i've been trying bf first item after phase+aquila with this hero,i can't seem to have any success,making it on 15m-20m where all other lanes is kinda dead already

                      going deso mkb daeda is insane btw,you just kill anyone whenever you ult


                        ^You can do the same with Fury, S&Y, Abyssal. It's rare for anyone to surive solo ulti with those items.

                        ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                          Riki serious build = oov tranquil aquila diffusal scepter basher. Hes a slow farming and pushing pos 4 roamer not a pos 1 carry.


                            If you were to play pos 1 Riki I think it would be a must to build battlefury, hero farms to slow with out it. I think pos 4 build won’t change, but the Change to his ult is nasty so I can see riki pos 1. Only issue I have with it is riki is super easy to kill with treads battlefury if the enemy brings dust. Guess I would have to see it in action before I make assumptions though


                              i mean ok i'm glad you think he's not a good bkb hero, again, i have no problem buying an orchid and a gem because you apparently don't want to adapt and you just mysteriously lose your riki games because of your team or who knows what and it's definitely not you refusing to buy defensive items because me play core me do damage me want rampage!! omegalul


                                er,i think if you can plan to push his hg before he gets to level 20 or 2 items it's a win anyway rain
                                don't think a bkb riki or aeon disk will save you
                                i guess deso-bkb/difu-bkb style would probably work on some games,smoke a supp,bkb hit em then move to a core

                                edit:i think dagger is way better than bkb if you're talking about survivability,can blink even if youi got orchid-ed too

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                                  manta is a defensive item
                                  linkens is a defensive item
                                  with aghs he doesnt need to survive multiple debuffs or multiple disables, he just needs to not get chainstunned frmo the first one and pop ulti into someone or get his 10000000000 range blink strike off
                                  he can even jsut have blink and use it after ulti
                                  it doesnt seem needed to go bkb


                                    ^Blink Strike range at lvl 20 is 1600. It's really hard to initate on Riki before he can blink into ulti & blink out. Of course there are games when BKB/Linken is a must, but imo this is a rare case.


                                      @iamnumb yea but you don't get those items that fast as a riki lol

                                      edit:btw i missed something
                                      at the moment you finished your bfury you already have like phase+aquila on your inventory,your base dmg is not 40 lol,100-150+

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                                      Visita Hari Danta

                                        Best riki build is 3 divines and 1 dagon to secure kills


                                          i don't get it why u want a safe lane riki in the first place his literally shit as a carry! i don't think he can beat many traditional carries!


                                            Best riki build is 3 divines and 1 dagon to secure kills

                                            is that a PHANTOM RIKI REFERENCE?


                                              ^He is a hard carry. Not many heroes can outcarry him in the late game. He might even be the strongest 6 slotted carry right now. That ulti is insane & he is nearly unkillable with 1600 blink strike range. He can just blink strike abyssal ulti & there are only few heroes that won't die in it. All with 30s cd & being totally untargetable & having 1600 range blink out. He is the best rapier hero atm.

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                                                ^yeah but i wouldn't bet on him with the safe lane there needs to be at least a back up carry but that also means playing 2-1-2 plus it's not that easy getting to lvl 20 for escape and 25 for ult effectiveness

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                                                  ^I think he just needs strong laners to back him up, so game won't be lost before he gets Fury. Till Fury he needs a lot of babysitting & space creating.


                                                    why bother farming creeps when you can be farming heroes

                                                    diffusal is the cheapest reliable ganking tool

                                                    <---- 231 games of safe lane riki here

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                                                      Maybe. But because backstab does bonus damage based on how much agility you have and Diffusal Blade does provide a hefty chunk of Agility for a relatively efficient cost. I would still say it is better than Sange and Yasha in many cases.


                                                        While diffusal isn't quite as good as it used to be, I disagree that the item is underwhelming. If you slow someone for 2 seconds under ult, that's 200 mana burn/physical dmg against a target. That's no small amount of damage. In addition, even after detouring for battle fury, you should still be able to purchase diffusal before their supports can get force staffs. Still a valuable pickup that offers nice utility.