General Discussion

General Discussionarturito troll

arturito troll in General Discussion

    i dont get why eg loves troll so much. seems like such a weak laner and even when he got farm it felt like he couldnt have substantial impact. isnt this patch about roflstomping your lanes and just snowballing? its what they did with rtz lifestealer, but in their last 3ish games they keep going for troll, and if im not mistaken, only won once with it. just feels like the hero doesnt complement the "win lanes, snowball, take towers, win game" kind of theme this patch has, and that they would usually do with other carries.


      if only troll had a ult that could help them push towers and (to quote you) "roflstomping your lanes and just snowballing"

      one question, tho, could you explain the motivation behind watching someone play a videogame instead of playing it yourself? I mean I do understand those who wait for their game to start if they have high waiting times or profesional players watching their direct opponents, but everything else just seems like an insane waste of time to me tbh

      not judging you, just asking

      Solo Leveling

        any1 that enjoys sports likes to watch them at the highest level. Thats why people watch Pros play. It is the same with any sport.

        I would rather watch Lebron James play Basketball than some random white guy at a rec court.

        I would rather watch Tiger Woods play in the masters than to go hit a golf ball for fun.

        Not only is it the highest level of competition Skill level but in a game like Dota where you dont need to be freakishly athletic there is a lot you can pick up and learn from watching the Pro scene.


          I beg to differ that playing dota and playing an physical sport have one big factor that draws them appart, the element of being able to participate yourself in it

          for example you can literally, and by literally(the most overused word in the history of mankind) i mean literally, play it at any given point of the day, where for every single other one mentioned you will at least need a place to play, if you are serious about it also someone else who is going to play it with you and on top of all that the right time of the day, that is what made gaming so popular to begin with

          from what I read here, this isnt a casual watch of some pro game but he is actively watching eg games what begs the question why isn't he playing himself

          again, I really want to point out that I am not judging OP, I just want to understand that mindset


            I mean I am invested in a team, enjoy watching dota at a higher level than I can play, and it gives me good insight on the game when I go to play it.


              Can we stay on topic tho lol

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                troll doesnt suck. i dont know why they picked it into omni and gyro though.


                  troll is really good. Most heroes can be weak laners given the right circumstances


                    wtf we are same rank =]


                      troll weak laner :-D

                      Solo Leveling

                        Dragy - He isnt watching random EG games. There is a Major tournament going on called DAC. A lot of the dota community cares about the Major Tournaments


                          ok I didnt know that, that changes things a bit


                            idk i feel like there r a lot of ways to hamper him and he doesnt seem to contribute as much early as heroes like gyro and lifestealer, and also feels like he scales worse than tb or morph
                            i could be wrong, but at least in those games, the troll didnt work.
                            can anyone explain at least what scenario u would need to make troll work/be good, or at maybe what eg lacked to make troll work, smth like that


                              maybe im wrong

                              but isnt troll good against gyro, if you get the jump on him first?

                              Potato Marshal

                                Gyro is strong against heroes that run up next to him, Troll is bad against heroes with strong nukes. Gyro is one of the few heroes that can dish out tons of damage even when stunned, especially with aghs.


                                  Idk but i feel when EG is too relied on arturo things started to become rough for them


                                    I think since arteezy got a bit more farm priority and gets to play actual heros other than veno, EG has been doing great.
                                    Like his performances on Morphling actually ot comparable to anyone else.

                                    I just feel sometimes you see in the drafts that they are a relatively new team (new coach, new captain, sumail role swap)

                                    If they figure themselves out, they have what it takes to beat Liquid (as we saw) and to stomp any other team than VP/Liquid. But every now and then it feels like they have no clue or plan on how to play their draft and then they get stomped hard

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      you cant even run at him. that retarded movespeed talent makes him faster than fucking troll warlord. and rocket barrage is annoying af.


                                        Troll is a weak laner and needs lots of farm to become active his also not very good at farming also very vulnerable to disables and isn't even tanki without bkb

                                        Troll is more of a late game hero really i mean isn't luna a better pusher or sven a tankier core and both have better mid game and faster farm and better laning?

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          troll is not a bad laner. he has two spammable nukes with very low cooldown and manacost.
                                          troll is not squishy. he is dependant on bkb, but he is extremely resistant against physical heroes.
                                          troll farms at an okay pace. he is no sven or luna of course, but with a battlefury you can outfarm most heroes.
                                          troll is okay lategame but not very good. he can end the game really fast after a won fight but he gets kited super hard and generally has a hard time hitting anyone.


                                            ^Troll is a weak laner because Mr.Poopybutthole says so.
                                            But why tho lul why you say so?
                                            Holy shit how's troll a good late game compared to heroes like gyro or sven wt your insight is killing me.


                                               isn't even tanki without bkb

                                              Get Me Out


                                                but wat if troll is tanki with bkb?


                                                  I don't think troll is a horrible hero just that he doesn't fit every draft and he doesn't work every game which clearly he didn't since they lost


                                                    battle trance is now 10s cooldown with 1.5s duration
                                                    can be set on autocast
                                                    40 manacost


                                                      I wouldn't say that he's a weak laner but I wouln't say he's a strong laner either. he can fight early if you are ahead but I'm pretty sure in at least one game he was behind and the hero really does need farm before he does a whole lot. In his late game I somewhat feel like he's simmilar to pa, your not a bad late game hero it just becomes harder to execute.


                                                        troll is a weak laner compared to the other popular carries u can't deny that can u?

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          No he is not. People commonly play him mid and he wins the lane against most heroes

                                                          verified vexillophile

                                                            Tell me troll is weak after watching VP stomp TNC with it.


                                                              Winter said in the pre game commentary that he considers him to be the strongest carry in the game right now along the terrorblade.

                                                              As for the weak laner argument ramzes played in the safelane with a lion against a sand king and leshrac dual lane and he was 7-0-2 before 10 minutes into the game. Can a weak laner do that?

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                there is a thing in captain mod called banning and as u see troll is the last pick yes it can be a stomp hero like broodmother but that doesn't make him great or op

                                                                what u say can also be true with any other hero yes troll can carry hard if given enough farm but so as many other heroes!
                                                                having good laning means u can zone out other heroes and troll can't do that not in early game u say troll is a good laner but based on what? he has low damage low regen low movement and low armor at laning so how exactly his good? yes he have nuke and melee mode that gives armor and speed but that's not ure leveling priority ure third level is

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  How can troll be considered a weak laner? He's a fairly tanky ranged hero with very good base strength and strength gain, and you get 8.5 armor at level 1, which is more than even Ogre and second to only TB who has 100 less hp than you.


                                                                    @Potato Marshal
                                                                    It's because there isn't any decent troll player in their bracket LUL


                                                                      not a weak laner but not inherently a strong laner


                                                                        Troll is a weak laner

                                                                        but not inherently a strong laner

                                                                        isn't even tanki without bkb

                                                                        Get Me Out


                                                                          He's one of those rare heroes who can easily solo lane versus most of offlaners/mid laners and still manage to win the lane.
                                                                          He is a weak laner a strong laner who scales ok and can fast-push, end the game in 20-30 minutes.
                                                                          I really don't get it why there's place for arguments when people who're definitely better than you say the opposite of what you're saying.


                                                                            yeah if he is such a strong hero that can win vs many offlane midlaners why his mostly the last pick and razor is always banned in the first round of banns when his picked it might be strong in the hands of many professional players but are average or above average players at +5k successful with him? NO


                                                                              @verified vexillophile Well to be fair, we're talking about VP wrecking TNC...


                                                                                but are average or above average players at +5k successful with him? NO
                                                                                Yes they are. What the heck do you even know about 5k+ when you're legend 3?


                                                                                Recently i played this game vs this troll and he played awfully. I won the lane against him cause my tusk rotated a lot and he died like 4 times in the lane cause he tried to manfight a shielded abaddon. To sum up he played the laning phase really badly but then he bought battlefury, farmed, took 2 roshes and went on to win the game with 23k networth at 38 mins.


                                                                                  What the heck do you even know about 5k+

                                                                                  well dotabuff disagrees with troll sitting at 48.23% in 5k+ or is it that statistics are also wrong?


                                                                                    stats ;)


                                                                                      I'm not gonna bother arguing about smth I don't play or know anything about unlike most of you theorycrafters


                                                                                        Gyro is sitting at 45.99% winrate in 5k+ but he's still being picked a lot and is one of the best and most flexible heroes in the game right now. Raw stats dont mean anything if you dont have the brains to understand whats behind them.


                                                                                          I just wanna say that whirling axes is kinda op and it can grant kills as well as get troll out of ganks. 60% misschance and 225 damage is no joke, especially considering that you can ranged slow for 40% ms and 75 damage. That's 40% ms slow, 60% misschance, and 300 damage total in lane harass or anyone trying to gank you. The whole combo also only costs 100 mana.

                                                                                          I don't agree with the argument that troll is a bad laner, cuz I mean what carry is a good laner? Like pretty much every agi core (except for like gyro) isn't very good at laning so I don't know if that is a good argument.


                                                                                            Why do u think eg failed at troll then
                                                                                            If the hero is fine then what was the problem?
                                                                                            Picked in bad scenario?
                                                                                            Not given enough space?

                                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                                              No, the damage from whirling axes is a joke, but the 4 second 40% slow combined with a 5 second 60% blind is incredibly strong for a hard carry.


                                                                                                Traditionally strong laners include Ursa, razor, monkey king, but it depends a lot of matchup, and almost every carry has a matchup they win against an offlaner. Besides Spectre I guess.


                                                                                                  troll doesnt suck. i dont know why they picked it into omni and gyro though.


                                                                                                    They lost to lgd with it too, with a tb matchup
                                                                                                    What offlane matchups does troll win?


                                                                                                      @Umbranox there's just some heroes who needs a team Gyro is definitely one of them idk maybe troll is too but outside the professional dota both of them aren't doing very well regardless of being good or bad