General Discussion

General Discussionhow some cosmetic gems work

how some cosmetic gems work in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    i've seen people with custom wards recently and one of them had this ring to it. can you do this to normal items with effects?
    like drow ranger's bow of the lone traveler?


      i don't think if any wards could mount a gem but there is prismatic gems which mount into some items such as couriers and TB arcana


        ^actually ive seen wards with effects due to a gem I'm not sure how you'd go about making it work though


          Certain items have gem slots that can only be filled by cosmetic gems. Cosmetic gems can only be applied to slots with either an Unusual or Prismatic gem slot. Ethereal gems go into the Unusual slots and they provide cosmetic auras like this:

          Prismatic gems change the color of an item almost completely, and are often seen on the Terrorblade and Techies arcanas.

          As for the ward you saw with the custom effect, I'm not sure because I've never heard of a ward having a gem slot for cosmetic gems.

          Noisy Miner
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            Professor Dog

              drop a match ID for us to watch

              Bill Cutting

                I unfortunately had to work this out the hard way - destroyed a tb arcana