72 games, near 60% winrate and high skill games seemed like smurf to me. (just someone who has dota experience and creates a new account to stomp beginners or to calibrate higher without grinding)
if your not i am sorry just checked your profile some seconds^^
why you pick jugg offlane when theres already a pos 1? you could pick an offlaner and create some space instead of taking space away. the reason the other carries on SEA servers are "bad" is because they get their farm taken away buy ither carries, and people pick carries because carries suck. devils loop?
also anyone with BS jungle in most played heros need to gtfo of dota imo
at least you got a good winrate otherwise i would rate 0/10
Not a smurf here...
Im not sure what is a smurf that some people keep calling me as 1 but i think im not 1
72 games, near 60% winrate and high skill games seemed like smurf to me. (just someone who has dota experience and creates a new account to stomp beginners or to calibrate higher without grinding)
if your not i am sorry just checked your profile some seconds^^
Getting centimental here
Smurf surely! These are the people who plays with Jugg arcana and says first time jugg
2/10 typical SEAtard
why you pick jugg offlane when theres already a pos 1? you could pick an offlaner and create some space instead of taking space away. the reason the other carries on SEA servers are "bad" is because they get their farm taken away buy ither carries, and people pick carries because carries suck. devils loop?
also anyone with BS jungle in most played heros need to gtfo of dota imo
at least you got a good winrate otherwise i would rate 0/10
pos 4/10
Omfg. I've never ever seen 96% support players. These are the people who keeps Dota alive
3/10 just don't auto pick mid every game
10/10 horrible player, rubick spammer, best combo
Exelent winrate as void, but i don't like it as pos1
Windranger sup? not the best usage for the hero.
Yet another good support player. If I hadn't seen that brew 4/11, would have been 9/10
10/10 best player
2/10 ez jungle gaming
2/10 smurf
Good rank, bad winrate 5/10
supports exist? 8/10
6/10 because you're a mid player and don't do too well in other lanes
10/10 ET + Jakiro combo is sick
Just 3 abandons. Pretty good stats.
is too short (minimum is 6 characters)
7/10 @venthorne
looks like you prefer the roam position ad that you do it quite well.
keep climbing with your bh spam ;)
7/10 support main
i feel good to be noob in front of u
1/10 dirty shadowblade am with over 300 games as am.OMG
aye 8/10
i am working on it
Weeb/10 and probably GAY too!
Perfect 50/50 support-core balance; 10/10.
6/10. would be 8/10 but Legend gonna Legend.
This guy is too good!
9/10 and love the name too
Filthy sniper picker! Wins mid most of the time but is in the lower bracket. Improve ur gpm by stacking more and ur mmr will soar
(Skip me)
Thanks for the tip Richi. Will work on that!
^Archon 2 and still normal bracket? 6/10
Is mmr the one determine that which skill bracket we will get
Filthy smurf playing core kunkka and just buys a bunch of daedaluses
Very High Skill
Lost Match
11 hours ago
shares my hatred for lich so 10/10
i like the profile... good mix of supps n cores.. good winrate..
-2 coz of the name.. when i am alredy tilted if i see such a name i lose a lot of hope...
still not a smurf...