General Discussion

General DiscussionStop playing dota in 22days and when i'm back...

Stop playing dota in 22days and when i'm back... in General Discussion

    first game

    seem like nothing change at all when i'm back

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      ur building dmg is fucking terrible on pugna
      looks like u were just chasing after kills rather than winning the game...


        What am I supposed to see? Enigma and rubick died a few times, but have plenty of assists. The enemy on the other hand has a 2-18 shaker which is considerably worse.

        Your item choice and timings are poor, just like your building damage. Seems like a normal legend game.

        NUB GonNA NUUB
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          NUB GonNA NUUB

            Engima is acc buyer, simple 4v5 must watch the whole game too see

            ez early push ? or blaming me cuz they wanna farming forever ?

            rubick is ok but engima already got 4 report from his team... so you dont need to ask why ... he want 5 man black hole, instead 4 i make for him many times :D


              Still. Happens man, if you truly deserve to be higher you will slowly climb, I know it can be a painful process. I've seen worse games (:

              NUB GonNA NUUB


                if i'm play in US/EU ranked game, it can be, but not SEA...

                haha mega creep, tw 100hp i just def and my team push back ....first game of the day win...with some noob in team gg

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                  Chicken laying their eggs in 22 days

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    pro tip
                    if u get aether on the hero u can blast towers from 1k+ range and it will be very hard for ur team to hold u abck

                    NUB GonNA NUUB

                      @you breathe = i feed
                      you tip only work if your team play good... just look at ember and enigma , one slow farm, useless minimap and one wanna 5 man black hole(4 reported from team and i received two noftification about successfully reported lel..feelgoodguy) ...ember player only know spam skill 2... :)

                      and one thing... any tips for SEA is useless :)

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                      Justin Weaver

                        Yeah sure dude server is holding you back as well as teammates.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          ember has more gpm than u

                          honestly i dont think why ure in a position to think u were the hero of that game, ember about as much as u, lc somehow has 3 times ur tower damage despite u being one of the best slowpushers in the game and her primarily being a hero camping in trees in blink and only hitting towers after won engagements, u did nothing extraordinary

                          even ur build, while terrible, is not extraordinarily terrible

                          NUB GonNA NUUB

                            who's care about gpm =)) you can easily see noob player have high GPM in SEA....why? cuz they only know farm and farming... wanna see my ember game when i'm play sp role and have highest gpm in the game ? and still lose ?

                            here's my PA low GPM ....ez win ?

                            and why you dont just watch replay and see who's the problem ?

                            p/s : when i saw your profile, only 3,565 Arbitrary Points with 4k hours+ i know why you only focus on me instead other in my team....haha

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              just look at ember and enigma , one slow farm

                              who's care about gpm =))

                              NUB GonNA NUUB

                                first.. you looking at ember GPM at ~ 49m

                                second.. you quoted me when i'm said ember slow farm and quoted again about "who's care about gpm =))" so i need to care about late game GPM vs early/mid game GPM ? really?

                                third...i'm the one who play the game so i'm the one who know who fucked up in the whole game... two notification about "take action on player..." after everyone reported... too obvious...ember[100hours played] "maybe" ok but enigma[ancient 5] is G.G

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                                Story Time

                                  wow u played with MIRACLE-


                                    ^ you are a retard.
                                    End of discussion.
                                    Sod off

                                    NUB GonNA NUUB

                                      sure noob


                                        In my last support Pugna game I did more than double this amount of building dmg...

                                        Story Time

                                          i wonder if Dawn addressed me, but Op took the flame :D


                                            No Kotato i was addressing OP,
                                            He knows he is a retard and thats why he answered me

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                                            NUB GonNA NUUB


                                              you know why ?

                                              Story Time

                                                ok :D but "^" symbol means comment above or was i wrong the whole life?


                                                  Nice London bro.


                                                    Because you weren't focusing objectives?


                                                      o k

                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                        Engima is acc buyer

                                                        I hate this phrase so much.


                                                          No one gives a fuckk


                                                            A typical 'I should have higher MMR but my teammates are holding me back' shitpost. Dotabuff has seen enough of this. STAPH!

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                              ah good ol' DK . it's been awhile.

                                                              NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                Privated Profile, Divine but 1,905 Arbitrary Points, lose streak, sure :)

                                                                It's because i'm ranked in SEA, 1v9, how to push ? If pushing instead help my team, sure i will get report instead commend

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                  What does that even have to do with anything? Just because he's in a slump doesn't mean shit. Im a bit biased since he and I sorta have a closely related name

                                                                  NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                    @J E T
                                                                    Did you know why 15 lvl player with under 100hours can play ranked game ? And why 3500 is max mmr after calibrated for now ? haha

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      Mah. You're like the 1 millonth retard who thinks he is so good in this game. Also, what does a private profile have to do with anything? Are you ill? Keep on attacking ppl who disagree with you maybe it'll help you git gud... not in dota tho but maybe in talking shit. P.S. This is a 2016 account. Not a fucking smurf.

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                      NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                        oh acc buyer angry.....


                                                                          It's sad. You attack everyone who disagrees with you. Lmfao

                                                                          NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                            nope, i check their profile before i comment anything..if there's a problem...i will do it. simple ? with your skill if you create new acc, after calibrated you will never can reach 6k, trust me...just thank old system


                                                                              What does that have to do with anything? All I said was regarding my annoyance of another post about people feeling they're playing 1v9. Though to reply to your comment, I have no delusions of reaching 6k anyways. Heck, I'm lucky to even crack 5k.


                                                                                Funny enough, I have higher winrate in SEA than when I try to play US/Europe. My fellow pinoys who are damn cancerous are stuck on legend anyways

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                                                                                    Wow OP is so good at this game. Give a him a clap ladies and gentlemen

                                                                                    #1 Philippine player

                                                                                      diamond 1 ka pla sa LoL? magsinungaling ka pa bobo hahhah




                                                                                          Oh mah god, why is someone commenting pinoy language here

                                                                                          NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                                            sure you will have +-50% winrate in sea...pretty sure about that


                                                                                              I beg to differ. Look at my wr in japan server and my wr in SEA. I guess higher bracket means lesser cancer then...

                                                                                              NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                                                higher level in dota is lesser cancer/toxic/noob ...i think so.. not mmr ... idiot/noob can buy old account to play ranked game instead raising their level + skill before play ranked game

                                                                                                example : my last game weaver feeder still wanna buy linken...look at him profile, lvl 15 + under 200 hours...when u let noob play ranked and ruined it

                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  If it makes you feel any better, everybody would've made fun of you even if you did play well.

                                                                                                  I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                                                    It's really funny, these kinda threads, sometimes I open them just to get my daily dose of laugh. All these excuses SEA people make... Being delusional, lazy and expecting miracles every game sure will help u climb. :)