General Discussion

General DiscussionNew lifestealer

New lifestealer in General Discussion

    B S J

    Lruce Bee

      Yep. Exactly what I was saying. Good to know bsj is reading my posts and taking notes.

      Story Time

        *facepalm* seems this radiance build explains the low win rate of LS


          LS has a high winrate in 5k+ and this build is more suited for higher brackets.

          Story Time

            ^it is just a start of the week, it will drop to 50% in no time (like here )

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

              but the meta changes every 2 weeks

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                yep just 2 weeks ago my pubs were plagued with sfs tinkers tusks and pudges and every1 was building bf and now theyre nowhere to be seen!

                Story Time

                  meta every 2 weeks... hmm, i would not agree since there was no significant changes to it. Also SF and tinker and pudges remain abundant in my games just as they were 1 month ago. (see also Shadow shaman and jugger, underlord offlane and casual kunka/bara roam)


                    i mean we're talking about winrate changes which happens by the % decimal. and happens with smallest change. by meta i just mean the patch changes. no matter how minor. stop trying to find ways to flame me lmao. retaard blustar nub cuck

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      i mean i can see why you think you can flame others in your games liek youre some smart ass but in reality the shit u say has no basis and you dont put thouight into it. so of course u get reported lul


                        ^jacked has cracked LMFAO
                        @story time
                        The build has nothing to do with ls' Winrate in pubs, the hero is just ass without team coordination.


                          what this is how ive been flaming on the forum for years what are you talking about lmao


                            ^well ur usually chill abt it idk


                              usually depends on who im talking to, if he/she is a smartass or not. lol

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                well i AM smarter than u, but thats no reason to be upset! =)


                                  ugh pls dont tell me you're one of those, i have 190 iq im smart LUul

                                  casual gamer



                                      Wtf has this thread become

                                      casual gamer

                                        Wtf has this thread become



                                          hansolo = numeta?

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            I don like that genre of music