General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst time playing dota again after a long time not playin for a whil...

First time playing dota again after a long time not playin for a while feels weird in General Discussion

    -about to play some normal match cuz i saw 7.09 update after i woke up
    -pick sniper cuz i played csgo Xd
    -going mid because my team asked for it
    -enemy picked zuus and pudge
    -i expected if i one lane with zuus i'll accidentally feed em
    -going one lane against pudge instead which is the toxic one
    -he fed me
    -but i still cant curry because got rekt by timbersaw
    -accidentally disconnected because laptop sudden shutdown of overheat
    -reconned eventually
    -won the game and reported pudge lul
    -"hey i didnt know u can see who is commended u" but i guess i won't know who is reporting me aswell

    Sorry for my bad england...


      Guardian 2. Everything is possible pro.