General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich Role Type You Like & Why?

Which Role Type You Like & Why? in General Discussion
Uncle Gamer

    Hi, all!

    So here is my question: Which type/role of heroes you play often, and why do you choose it?

    I usually choose support heroes, because I am bad at team fights, so I usually would choose to play a supporting role - seating in the backline and doing every other adhoc stuff like, buying wards.

    Killing a hero is not at all important to me, but winning games does.

    So please share your thoughts!


      Pos 1

      I win more.


        Offlane. Because I have a fetish for hardcore 3-on-1 tri-lane gangbangs.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Support because YOLO is less game losing


            I prefer playing pos 3 because I love to do PogChamp plays :-D(playing heroes like Beast, Omni, Underlord, Tide, Bat etc) who can turn fights around/initiate and tank shitton of dmg. I've gained 1 percent win rate by playing offlane(around 65 percent win rate this month). Grinding to 5k which is my current milestone :-D

            Nasir Khan Jan

              Position 1 and Position 4. Position 1 because I'm good at it. I can predict when my hero is ready to fight, when I'm supposed to farm and when it's necessary to disengage. Position 4 is fun to play. I usually help zone the offlaner and often tri lane with the pos 1 and pos 5. I can tp mid and respond to ganks and try to save my carry whenever he's being zoned / ganked. Similarly i can help the mid laner by making ganks and doing the high risk/high reward play by diving towers when it's possible to kill the enemy mid. Most of the times it ends well , sometimes it doesn't.


                Used to be mid. But now I like the offlane better. There's just something magical about being able to win the game because their carry can't do jack shit.

                Also gave up mid cuz its actually the most toxic lane. Gl fighting for it.


                  I very much like playing position 5. I'm the type of person who watches the entire map, is watching their rotations, item-checking them all the time, thinking "Slark's had claymore for about three minutes, I bet he's going to try to gank mid/top. We should smoke up, sentry, and bait it out."

                  It's so hard to lead from a carry role because you've got to be hyper-focused on the farm. Ideally the support should be doing such a good job with controlling the enemy's movements and providing protective vision that the carry's role is very straightforward.

                  I tend to not get that kind of support if I play carry, and there are plenty of competent carries around my skill bracket, so I'll do what I have the most impact with.

                  I also like offlaning, especially clockwerk. I guess I like to be active on the map and making things happen in the early game.


                    pos 3-4 man does it feel good to get control on enemy


                      Mid cuz its fun

                      Crimson Sky

                        I'm still learning which role suits me best. I've tried all roles and had success / failure depending on the hero.

                        By far my best is Safelane Luna who I've got the most games played on. She excels at pushing and farming, her item buildup is almost identical every game (you always want to end up with the same 6 slot so how you get there depends on each game), she's a great antigank hero (to a point) and I've used her to climb quite a bit using a certain strategy.

                        The downside is that I know as soon as I get up to higher skill levels that my strategy will no longer work as jungle farming will be much more heavily punished and I won't be able to farm afk for 15-20mins without being ganked.


                          Probably roaming since, my "roamer" always afk at lane and makes me lose my lane,they leech my xp and fuck up lane equilibrium...

                          Pale Mannie

                            offlane because other offlaners seem to be feeding and not making plays afterwards letting the enemy carry go out of control

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                                pos 5