General Discussion

General Discussiontreads

treads in General Discussion

    in abaut what mmr peeps start to switch treads
    and in abaut wahat mmr they change them automaticly not forgething


      Depends on the player more than the bracket. Like for example I'm 2k and I tread switch on AM but that's about it.


        i think its abaut lazyness i do switch treads but then i got lazy and dont do it, because it deesnt do much right? probaby wrong
        when i was 1-2k there was things like buying stick,lasthiting every creep(i think ok i lost 50 gold not big deal) or pulling creeps to yourself so enemy dont m2 you, thes was things i consider prety uselss, which i cant live without them thinking how importat hey are, i think its the same abaut treads


          It's not abt laziness, you just need to concentrate on it for a couple times on certain heroes until it becomes habit. For example I kinda habitually tread switch on am for blinking, same with slark for spamming dark pact to farm. But I haven't made it enough of a second nature to tread switch in fights. Just work on it.


            It becomes complely natural once you get used to it. Just start doing it

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              It's very useful. Not small at all. 2k is a good place to start doing it. It's enough for a stun or tp if you're out of mana. It's enough to survive some burst dmg if you switch to str.


                a lot of tread switching is getting used to doing it and also how fast you can process information and hit buttons. I'll tread switch while im farming but generally don't while I'm fighting because it's too many buttons to press and to much information to process and half the time I end up on the wrong attribute.


                  The only tread switching I do in fights is to strength and praying I don't die

                  casual gamer

                    But I haven't made it enough of a second nature to tread switch in fights

                    you're missing out on fun times