General Discussion

General DiscussionFor the love of God reduce MMR gap for party queue to 500 MMR! *rant*

For the love of God reduce MMR gap for party queue to 500 MMR! *rant* in General Discussion

    Just lost 3 games in a row, all with same script. Ancient/legend instalocks mid, his crusader/guardian friedn instalocks carry, they both fail their lanes and we got stomped.

    Why the hell if you are queening into higher bracket and you are some 2k wannabe why would you instapick carry and ruin other peoples games?? Fuck this game! Dota on weekends is literally unplayable!

    First game mighty Nekro crusader 2 feeds SF
    Second game, crusader offlane void (WTF)
    This one is my favourite, OD fed viper i almoast outdamaged him as fucking Eredar !



      why is dota so unforgiving that the highest mmr has to play core?


        is league like this?


          Because they farm faster and make better decisions its not really hard to see from dotabuff itself.

          edit: Oh my bad i just remmeberd you, you are that troll sorry im going to do something productive, like uninstalling this game and thinking about my life.

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            exde don't please I like reading your posts

            Mlada i Luda

              i heard that in LOL you choose the role you want to play before queue for match. you wait longer but a couple of minutes more is much better than stuck playing into a 40-60 min game probably , that you dont even want to play cause 5 people are fighting for same role.
              I dont think that it's a coincidence that dota 2 is the most toxic community, it's a reason for that, and it is cause gaben failed to manage it well . the 6 months ban for example other games used always, and there some many other systems that other games have it much better than dota 2 , but gaben refuses to copy them for some reason (even if they are succesful ). they end up copying them lately anyway tho. i dont know about you but i think gaben should fire someone , that has to take care about those things lul.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                ANGERY DOGGO IZ ANGERY

                Machado98 #xatubaking

                  I get you, I am in your bracket and it happens a lot, getting legends and crusaders, the skill gap is enormous. But cmon man, it's 2k mmr, if you practice enough you can easily solo carry 4 idiots to victory. I am not saying it's easy or that I do it, but boosters do it so it's posible. If you are really that better just pick a second mid or hardcarry and outlasthit the crap out of the stupid duo and win, I can't say how many games I won because that happens (more often because some really good player picked a second mid than me)

                  Palmen aus Plastik

                    they key to winning party matches is to pinpoint the weakest player in the other team and feed off him all game. For example, get shadow blade and wait for him to show and kill him time and time again. This cannot be helped if you are the weakest player in the game. So to win like that, you will have to be one of the better players in the pool.