General Discussion

General Discussionanytips on losing streak?

anytips on losing streak? in General Discussion
Tomas Morato

    im on losing streak and i can't stop playing


      play lycan to break it and get back into the game

      Tomas Morato



          force yourself to stop playing smash ur pc or smth xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd

          Capt. カズト

            haha maybe u got "tilting"


              does it really matter

              Tomas Morato

                maybe im gonna go and killmyself


                  sounds like a nice plan to me


                    yes do it please


                      Dota on weekend is aids, same on losing streak, DO NOT PLAY OVER THE WEEKENDS.

                      Go outside, spend time with your family, enlist few hobbies, but never EVER play dota 2 on the fucking weekends 100% chance of losing streak and MMR los!


                        dont play if you having a bad mood, especially after having a losing streak. Just take a break a day or two is good, or play on your smurf and bash some pleb like me to feel better


                          I have 2 accounts:
                          BlackXargon - I use it whenever I'm in the mood to play.
                          BlackXargon_ - I switch between the two accounts, especially when I just want to grind but not really in a good mood.


                            I have put animu picture and letters, let see does meme magic works!

                            Fug, didnt changed on dotabuff yet

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              play unranked until you start winning. People in unranked are actually sane human beings that don't tilt and destroy their items when you accidentally steal xp from one creep.


                                It didnt worked, im actually bellow 3k now, well shit, thats gonna cost me...

                                Visita Hari Danta

                                  go play pubs, party or some shit


                                    you call that a loss streak?

                                    mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                      I went 9 lose streak last week (my profile is private now btw)

                                      And then went on 7 wins with jakiro. Your mmr is just inflating, just play, it would just come back.