General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease, give a hand of help to Gerald 5 player

Please, give a hand of help to Gerald 5 player in General Discussion

    Hello. I am calibrated on Gerald 2 and I have raised my MMR to Gerald 5 . But I can't go further because I have 350 hours in dota2 and in every game I meet "pro gamer 3k hours 70lvl gerald 4". Can you offer a solution of this problem? Is there are any low-MMR heroes that can withstand this phenomen?


      play the game and try to get better and you will in fact get better eventually


        You can't even spell herald

        Nasir Khan Jan

          You've got a long way to go , my friend. Your Dota Journey's just started. I was at this point too. Narrow down your hero pool , maybe. Play the ones you think you're good at it. Watch the pro players play them. If you play carry , a melee one, learn to last hit in lane. Be sure to buy a quelling blade to make last hitting easier. Or you can just try the new last hit trainer. Narrow down your hero pool and learn the mechanics of your 3 or 4 heroes , their builds , their strengths, weaknesses, what lane they're generally supposed to lane in. If you're a support you need to ward, so you have vision of the enemy team. Be sure to pull/chain pull if you're a lane support. There are videos on youtube on how to do that.Not only hero mechanics of the few heroes you're playing , you need to learn the game mechanics too. Denying , creep agro , tower agro e.t.c. The best advise I can give you right now is to get as many last hits as you can in lane which translates to more gold and more gold means more items which makes your carry stronger than the enemy carry. This alone will bring an increase in your mmr although learning the rest of the mechanics is essential too. Good luck!


            pro gamer 3k hours 70lvl gerald 4



              I would recommend playing the hero you want in AI first or Normal match in that way you can improve a bit without losing mmr and if youre going to play atleast be commited learning on one or two hero in that way you can have a knowledge what to do if youre losing . Understanding is important . if you dont wanna lose you need to understand, like if you see 3 cores already in your team try to pick support . so if you lose . you lose reasonably and try not to get tilted and i hope you could go way higher thatn you are now . GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY GAMING

              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                GERALD spelling Sobayed

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  I can trade you an uncalibrated 2.8k mmr account for that


                    Spam drow and sniper. I find people in that bracket have a horrible time with those heros.

                    Also. Learn game mechanics. And last hit better


                      spam ur hero :)


                        Spam lycan, get domi, necrobook, end the game in 20 mins


                          peeps must be pretty retarded to have 3k matches as herald


                            Spam x hero, it is gud because herald players can't handle y gameplay aspect

                            U can justify literally any hero because heralds can't handle any gameplay aspect. Or crusaders or archons for that matter.


                              Best and most contested hero in lower brackets. pa


                                U are so bad at every aspect of the game. Getting better should be the easiest shit ever

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                                Justin Weaver

                                  Just play more, the only thing you understand now is that, you have to go to lane spend some time there, somehow you might kill their tower or your tower might die, you either move to other lane or go jungle, eventually some weird tram fight happen u kill their ancients and win or vice versa. Just play more you will get better

                                  Justin Weaver

                                    And there's no pro player with 3k hour in herald bracket(why would you even mention the account level here)


                                      Gerald player will never improve. Mark my words.

                                      Machado98 #xatubaking

                                        Legit tip: Learn CHEN. This hero is next level broken in lower mmrs. If you dont want to learn the micro you will lose some kill potential but just the free ticket to base and the heals are enough to make chen a powerhouse in lower mmrs where all that matters is which idiots will be alive after fights and the best solution to a diving moron is: send him to base with holy persuasion. If you do learn micro and supporting basics, not only will your team have vision and detection, but they will also have at least 2 lanes easily won with your ganks.