General Discussion

General DiscussionMost annoying hero this patch

Most annoying hero this patch in General Discussion
Black Wolf

    Tell us which hero annoys you the most this patch and tell us why.

    Recently I had a vrry hard time playing against Tinker. His early nuke damage is just broken and his missile mini-stuns are driving me crazy.

    What about you?

    Justin Weaver

      Sf, Tinker

      Rogue Knight



          I just ban Jug every game recently and my gaming experiance has been better.

          His Spin and Omnislash are just cheap.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Antimage, both as a teammate or enemy. That hero should be deleted in dota 2.

            Machado98 #xatubaking

              Tinker Kaya and aghanims, OD and PL too.

              casual gamer

                the thought of naga siren not being complete trash is quite triggering to me


                  Silencer. Global Silence screws over every single hero I play.

                  -1st pick support picker.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Tiny, what a fucking piece of shit


                      Competent Lycan rat
                      Fucking Tinker rocket spamming machine
                      Jug with overbuffed agility, almoast impossible to take a creep from him in laning.
                      Alche starts to be shyly picked has a huge rat potential eat racks in seconds.


                        most annoying heroes are the necrobooks this patch


                          Tiny, Naga, OD and JuggerNUT
                          Necrobook lvl 3 and helm of domiator are op items this patch

                          Pale Mannie

                            SF is super annoying with shadowblade rush and when noone but me buys detection


                              SF void VS
                              mirana with 3 fucking leap wtf volvo

                              IN YOUR TEAM.
                              jungle heroes (pos 4 jungle, regardless of any heroes. (exept enigma or pos4 alche aganim rusher) )
                              juggernaut safe lane (ruins the game)

                              anything else is just a matter of not braindead allies, anything can work.


                                good tiny and dk player.


                                  Dark willow.

                                  Shadow Realm takes out half your hp in lane then it is so balanced level 4 that it provides 5 seconds of invulnerability with 7 second down time.

                                  Nothing unbalanced here.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    i also hate tinker (once he has hex he is unstoppable) and every other hero with hex... escpecially lion. i mean wtf is that mana drain slow on 3 target, stun that cant be purged, like 1900 range stun wtf is that hero


                                      Enchantress and jakiro...those shitstains that camp on your safelane and just push

                                      World of HicoN

                                        Shadowfiend in laning phase. A too strong laner atm.



                                          Tinker. God I hate tinker.. It's mostly my team that just instant turtles as soon as he gets blink. If i'm not playing spec then it's gg.

                                          Black Wolf

                                            I feel those heroes could be easily countered if people picked what they HAVE to pick instead of what they WANT to pick. Since I often pick a support first, I don't have much control over it. However I've started picking Shadow shaman, Bane and Disruptor for those pesky escape heroes.


                                              SF, Tinker, Shaman two new shits....

                                              The Frog King

                                                Lycan hands down. Massive regen. Hits like a truck in lane.


                                                  i literally have no idea how to play against uncountered sniper


                                                    Invoker, especially first pick on your team, U know that the game is lost when someone picks joker


                                                      I would say Beastmaster. Why?
                                                      Group as 5, end the game. TY.
                                                      Requires little to no macro control(hawk, summoned unit, dominated unit and necronomicons).


                                                        wrath king

                                                        God Admiral Haru

                                                          Slark. Because he can literally purge almost anything.


                                                            ^ He can't purge Hex anymore, which is why Lion and Shadow Shaman are great against him.

                                                            one(ODEN)army 真棒

                                                              Huskar laning phase.. very annoying..


                                                                played 2 games in 3 weeks. no cancer heroes for me. problem solved gg ez



                                                                  I would't say he requires no micro. His units can have up to 4-5 actives and some of them require timely usage (e.g. archer's dispel or centaur's stun), and if you always keep the hawk in one place, you're doing something wrong. It's better for active scouting. Also when pushing you often need to juggle tower/creep aggro.

                                                                  Beastmaster's strength is his insane snowballing (lvl 10 +25% XP is nuts) and damage from axes. Try laning him as a squishy hero and you'll be unpleasantly surprised (but tbh most people still play him as exclusively pusher hero without Q).