General Discussion

General Discussionwhat the f*ck do you do when theres always a rat?

what the f*ck do you do when theres always a rat? in General Discussion

    How do you deal with a hero like clinkz who doesn't join team fights and always is ratting a lane while your team is trying to go highground?
    Do you tp back and stop the highground push or just try for highground? Everytime we tried pushing his team (ck is a bitch) would engage and we'd waste time trying to fight right under the tower without hitting the tower, while he took a lane every single time. And yes I played like trash as razor, but thats not the point, i want to know how exactly do you go about this kind of situation?


      Pick SB, buy dust and chase him like a dog, Always pick Dusa/Sven into CK Razor cant do shit to him.

      Dunno why did you pick razor in the first place it was not a razor game.

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      Justin Weaver

        Well if you know they have a push heavy line up, try to draft in a way that has heavy lock down, a blink initiator is a must. Try to keep the lanes pushed always, and should have good map awareness and vision in the map, another thing is push fast so that they can't win by taking down your buildings. Be smarter :p

        Justin Weaver

          In the case of ckinkz, kill him six times, he won't come back if he hasn't snowballed hard


            Have you tried carrying tp??


              Have you tried carrying tp??

              What a brilliant idea! I wonder why didnt they thought of that! Lets say im that Clinkz player, i rat tower, their whole team pushes they dont have SB who will fixate on me, i just do false back, wait until they pull out and continue rating, they come back this time on foot because their TP is on CD and chase me like idiots, meanwhile while they are occupied playing tag with me and losing time my team farms or split pushing!

              Moral of the story: If you dont have an answer for enemy heroes lineup you gonna have a bad time!

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                Dude just shove out lanes before you go for a group push
                It's a basic tactic to delay split pushers
                Especially clinx who doesn't clear creeps as fast


                  @3k trash, he picked CK last so we couldnt counter him... and yeah Im not sure why I picked razor in the first place, I was on another tab and running out of time so it was a quick pick. But yeah, I think bara wouldve been a good pick that game.

                  @DARTH we did have TP's, but we wanted to end the game fast, CK was pretty fat and we had no proper illusion clear, but he was okay to handle in team fights. Point is we had no hard disablers for clinkz so we didn't want to waste time going back just for him.

                  @I am numb -
                  Yeah I guess thats what we should have done, hmm, now i know why im still normal skill, lol..

                  thanks for the inputs guys

                  LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                    dont pick razor at 3k, even if its a razor game it still won't work. that hero is very timing based. timing based heroes are very hard to use especially at low mmr when people don't cooperate. just pick heroes that can do all kinds of stuff, like jug and luna. spam them to 4k then maybe you can start playing razor.(actually, i dont think razor will work even at 4k)


                      buy a rat trap then


                        Pick SB, buy dust and chase him like a dog, Always pick Dusa/Sven into CK Razor cant do shit to him.

                        Dunno why did you pick razor in the first place it was not a razor game.

                        lol >Always pick dusa into CK.

                        All of your advice is great for the 2k and low 3k bracket. I remember when I would give the same advice. But trust me, it's not reliable to be solo carrying with a hero like medusa vs CK, neither is Sven unless you're relatively great at sven. CK is a monster, you must be able to pick him off yourself ... if you're just farming with medusa or sven, good luck with that.


                          Heroes like razor revolve around abusing ur lane and group pushing with team while u r strong, which is hard to execute in pubs imo


                            Ok. Real stuff. The reason people lose to rats is because they get tilted. And they literally forget the most important thing. And thats to PUSH A LANE. Even if it doesnt get you rax. If theres a free lane in the mid game. TEE PEE to it.

                            Oh. But i want this medium cam- NO. Go to the lane and PUSH IT. What this does is it gives your team info on where people are since creeps are literally moving wards. And they have to make the rat work a bit harder trying to push out the lane. Giving your team time to take objectives.


                              And sidenote. If their team is good at stalling. And their rat is near or at your rax. Go back and defend. Dont rush it. Find a pick off. Smokes. Hell. You might even get to kill the rat