General Discussion

General Discussion[NA] No Courier Needed IHL

[NA] No Courier Needed IHL in General Discussion

    [NA] No Courier Needed IHL

    **About NCN IHL:**

    Hello! No Courier Needed In-house League is where Dota 2 players can seek better practice for any role in a more competitive scene than PUBs. We have two different leagues for different skill levels so you are best matched up with the correct players. We have a nice community that only helps you improve as a player or drafter. If you do not want to play inhouse matches, I suggest you still join as you can find great players to form a team or even look for a team for yourself. Our league is hosted on FACEIT and has strict rules on smurfs to insure your gameplay is the best experience. Our servers are hosted on USEast in the North American region although every country is allowed.

    **Why Play?**

    You will be experiencing matches that are more competitive, maybe something you arent used to and you want the opportunity to play competitively. Players will gain better knowledge about the game and grow to a higher MMR. Most players who play in the lower league after one season rank out of the lower season. You are also playing for FACEIT points which you can redeem at the end of each season for Dota 2 skins and IRL equipment. Also as stated previously, you will meet new people and make new friends to play Dota with.

    **How to Join?**

    1. Create an FACEIT account if you dont have an account linked with your current steam. You cannot change the steam account linked with your FACEIT. If you do not have an account, you can sign up here:
    2. Determine your league. Note each league is for different skill levels.
    3. Join the league and the discord.
    4. Read #welcome on the discord to find rules and info on how to play.
    You can always message me on discord: Poggey#0762 or DM me on twitter @Poggey1 if you have any questions.

    Herald 0 - Legend 3:
    Archon 5 - Divine 5:

    If you are unable to join the league and you are sure your MMR is qualified for the league, follow this post:
    If that does not sort the issue, create a support ticket or message me on discord: Poggey#0762 or DM me on twitter @Poggey1.

    All of us at NCN wish to see you there!

    me, government hooker
