General Discussion

General DiscussionI think Medals are not related to mmr.

I think Medals are not related to mmr. in General Discussion

    So I calibrated to 1900 mmr in the new season calibration and got crusader 3 star. Then i had a horrible run. My win% for last 3 months is around 30% but still i gained 1 star, n i'm down to 1600 mmr (lowest i have ever been). so i think mmr and medals are completely unrelated. TY for your time.


      medals correspond to the highest mmr you got


        Medals is dependent on both solo as well as party mmr.its highly likely ur party mmr is greater than solo,thus you gained that star


          I think medals are complete and uncecesary bullshit that is added to the game just to give you false "feel good" vibe. Take mine for example, i am archon, meaning there are 3 "brackets" under me and 3 above me, so i supose to feel good about being average "not too shabby" player of this game.

          But in reality me and people who I play with are so shit at the game that its ridiculous! Valve just thought if they give us thrs breadcrumb baby step progression syste, people would find easier to go with it and play the game, rather than huge 1k MMR gaps that was previous system, (Which is still in the game BTW, but you need to take effort to see it, it no longer pokes your eyes when your page is red from -25 MMR games, that makes you uninstall and never play again!)

          /rant over sorry

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          Yung Beethoven

            it really gets messy in the high mmr bracket. A divine 5 rank 4500 player has less MMR than a divine 4 player on the edge to divine 5.
            this happens because you cant loose the medal you already got.
            So it may be possible to have a divine 5 rank 6000 player, who has less MMR than a divine 3 player, and so on. but i cant confirm that theory, but it seems to be possible, which is bullshit imo.

            Nasir Khan Jan

              Mmr still is the real thing and determines your matchmaking. I was crusader 4 at 1800 , crusader 5 at 1950 and now Archon 0 at 2275 mmr. I don't get this weird gap. My party MMR's uncalibrated. Websites say you're supposed to get Archon 0 at 2520 MMR while i got it at a much lower MMR. This medal system seems like a weird ass gimmick to me.


                Same here! I’m calibrated at legend 0. I’m now legend 2 at 3492 mmr and I only gain about 25 mmr since calibration. Can someone explain?


                  Same here! I’m calibrated at legend 0. I’m now legend 2 at 3492 mmr and I only gain about 25 mmr since calibration. Can someone explain?

                  Well acording to Volvo (gonna dig up reddit post cant atm) you get your first badge acording to your highest ever MMR reached on that account, so at one point you have been at mmr that is Legend 2 thats why you got it and then you get +25 -25 bla bla until next calibration.

                  My friend also has that problem he is Legend 5 with 3600 mmr, my other friend Ancient 0 with 3700-ish, so both of them wont see star rank up anytime soon, Valve trolled us!


                    @わたし わ .zaB です Its not possible. If you're divine 5 and you drop below the threshold which is around 5.5k you lose your rank and it says only divine 5 on your profile it happened to a friend of mine. When i was divine 4 and i was like 1-2 wins away from getting divine 5 i got flamed by a rank 4500 player telling me im a divine 4 trash while he was literally lower mmr than me lol.


                      I was stucked in 4k for a year and I coudn't go higher cuz of job(can only play 3-4 a day at night), but when that big update happen it helps me to go up higher from 3.8k mmr (legend 4) to ancient 5 in just 1 month. It motivates me to get that rank up step by step one by one :)

                      Yung Beethoven

                        @Umbranox well thats a relief. Is there a threshold for every medal or just for divine 5?


                          MMR is an illusion that people are still stuck on.

                          MMR has been proven to not be even remotely accurate for ranking individual performance on a team game with almost infinite possibilities. It was based off a ranking system for CHESS PLAYERS. Tell me how do you compare a chess game to dota?

                          I might play one hero extremelly well and not so much on another hero. My MMR would effectively be different for those two. Of course there are some shared traits like map awareness, farming, etc. But that doesn't invalidate my point. If someone only plays one hero very well he might climb ranks fast even not being a good overall dota player and at the top, minor nuances between players play a big difference.

                          The whole system is/was broken and IMO the badges are there to allow them to transition and adapt their ranking system to something better without having people freak out over a number every tweak they make.

                          Specially since they have effectively hidden the number (it might be a range now, like they do on CS:GO, you just can't know) it's literally pointless to discuss MMR


                            the chess ranking system is the best one in the world, simple yet efficient.

                            the main problem is that dota games are based on 5 PLAYERS VERSUS 5 PLAYERS wich add a crap ton of random factors
                            the ton of heroes avaliable as well makes the random factors even bigger.
                            the mood of players; the picks of players; the teamwork of players; the map awareness of players; the CONNECTION of players... and so on.

                            if you want a easy and powerful ranking system; chess.

                            sadly it doesn't work for online multiplayer games with diferent factors

                            compared to 1v1 chess with mirror game. that has NO random/diferent factors for players.

                            imo LoL system is kinda good if you delete the garbage best of 3 / best of 5 between ranks. like +20/30 MMR per win and -15/20 MMR per lose

                            because at the end if you do a tie win/loss on your tryhard day; congratulations you wasted your time! and maybe because of outside factors than just you playing bad/having a bad day.


                              @わたし わ .zaB です its just for divine 5 and even if you get below that you still don't lose the medal, just the leaderboard rank.

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                                What I can say is give your best every game, either lose or win u will gain a star or medal if u r improving.


                                  I was calibrated at 3.3k solo /2.9k party and got Arcon 4* , I have been losing game ever since and now at 3.1k solo and , 2.5k party but I got 2* additional and reached legend ..??? No idea what it depends upon.

                                  Story Time

                                    a bit same with me, I calibrated with 3.5k mmr cap and had 50% winrate in ranked, thus remaining at the cap level, and yesterady i won one game and lost one game and got a star :D why a star would come after you lose one and win one?