General Discussion

General Discussionlevel for ranked?

level for ranked? in General Discussion
Avv. Fabio ciulla

    for ranked u have to be level 20 ?? bcs i m prestty sure i got some friend who plays ranked and they r not 20...


      No level required 25 normal games(turbo is not recognized toward the goal i think) + phone number so Gaben can call you in naughty hours, maximal calibration is legend 2 at 3500 MMR and then +-25-ish per game.

      Enable console and type dota_new_user 0 so you escape that limited hero pool, happy smurfing!

      Avv. Fabio ciulla

        max is legend 2????? wtf i m already legend 4 lol on my way to calibrate ancient?? wtf i m sad

        anyway i love u man!


          Well dota 2 is not AAA game its free 2 play so the general idea is to make you play as much as possible and eventualy sink in some $$$ to buy hats! :)

          Tho this system is pretty flawed in my opinion, i can imagine what nightmare is to play in legend bracket with all these smurfs flodding it daily, i have 2 rl friends one is divine 2 other ancient 5 these are their smurfs, as you can see both got very high skill during normal games then ended up at legend 2 after calibration.


            Well their Performance in These nowhere Near Divine Level. These smurfs probably Show their true Skills better

            Avv. Fabio ciulla

              well dont know how do they even rank legend 2..they seem all but divine honeslty...the matches i m playing with WD are a far better...


                You need 35-40 unranked games to play ranked, as opposed to the 25 it currently states


                  Well their Performance in These nowhere Near Divine Level. These smurfs probably Show their true Skills better

                  Well i can link you their original accounts if you want, but performance wise thats why made the smurfs in the first place so they can chill a bit and not tryhard every game, games at divine tier according to them are very tiring, you need to be 100% focused so they need some low accounts to vent out a bit.


                    legend 4 on a smurf with all ns games? nah dude, good joke