General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is wrong with mmr calibration?

What is wrong with mmr calibration? in General Discussion
mid or pinoy

    i've played 8 games of mmr calibration , lost the first one . playing with legend medal after that , and win literally all 7 games.
    not even going up.whats the problem?

    Avv. Fabio ciulla

      well when u calibrate you are within a range about 500 more or less... if you are within 1k(for example) you will calibrate btw 700 and 1.3k... it s not that if u win all the games u will be a divine!!

      Probably u went up of 200 and there is no a real difference of medals

      mid or pinoy

        shit , like i've spammed sf literally every game i can(btw i win 1 more games).i just dont get it , i've carried all these games and i got nothing?.How long should i keep playing and spamming till i got divine BabyRage

        Avv. Fabio ciulla

          well dont tell me man!! I tried to smurf playing only support, WD, almost 80% win rate I support and carry the team and i still dont see the HS bracket... and in my other account i m legend 4.... i think that sometimes in the short term is matter of luck where u end up... on the long run u ll get there...but i cant understand how it works...

          i m 4.5 kda with WD..always among top damages and kills in the match and maximum of support and still normal....


            Max calibration hold me bakck!!!!1!!1!!!!

            TANG INA MO VIO

              Acdg to some topics posted in this forum, max calibration ia 3500= Legend.

              TANG INA MO VIO

                Acdg to some topics posted in this forum, max calibration ia 3500= Legend.


                  I have only one rl friend who reached divine (can link account if you are interested) took him 2 years on fresh account and he is the definition of a NEET, so only problem when he goes to sleep and wakes up is his MMR, if you are not like that i suggest you to forget about it and play just for fun.

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                  S H 0 X. only SOLO queues

                    what is ur solo mmr now

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      won 9/10 games, calibrated Divine 0. fucking fraud. One game I lost is when some idiot took carry from me, didn't eat cheese in final fight and we lost.