General Discussion

General DiscussionDire and Radiant

Dire and Radiant in General Discussion

    OK gusy i know that there is many topick about balance of Dire and Radiant, but still now in these patch what do you think about balans? `Cause i have 47,06 % win rate as Dire and 55.39%win rate as Radiant? And if Radiant is better why? Where is that diference? I don`t think that it`s just coincidence. Also i read that Valve want that everybody has aroudn 50% games on Radiant and 50% Dire games, but i got 204 radiand and 221 Dire games, with makes 48/52% in Dire favor and if I keep with thes threts slight for Dire favor i can rise in 1000 games on 55% in Dire favor wih makes my win rate to drop on 46%. For no lose or gain skils.

    Secound question is about dotabuff and why ardm and ad mods aren`t included in win rate?

    Also from stat recorded and star no recored 51% win and 50% win rate, so where is that lower than 50% win rate with makes my profil on 49,1%win rate at main? But with win rate is written 183-189 with makes that 53 of mine games arent includet and that is ardm and ad I gues. With that i gues that is anybody play 10 games and 9 are ad or ardm and only 1 is ar and he lose that ar game he will have 0% win rate? Now put that in more games like 1000 with same persent 100ar games and 900ardm and ad games with same win rate as mine so he lose 51 game and he has 49% win rate even if he won 495 and lost 405 games from ardm and ad even if he got 54 win rate and aroudn 100wictory more than you first think.

    sorry for bad english i hope text can be understand at some point :)


      I always get toxic retards on dire


        radiant = good guy
        dire = bad guy

        Forget me not

          Cause bad guy always loose in the end.

          Pale Mannie

            both are equally evil. the game is radiant favoured in pubs while dire is in competetive play favoured for several reasons like shorter farming patterns resulting in faster farm while being unwardable and thus being safe doing it and etc.
            radiant has only a higher winrate in pubs because of point of view and a safer roshan access. just what i heard about it.


              Radiant has map advantage.

              Buti really like dore more, just becsuse of the better farming pathing.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                I like dire more for reasons cookie mentioned


                  "Radiant has map advantage.
                  Buti really like dore more, just becsuse of the better farming pathing."

                  "The game is radiant favoured in pubs while dire is in competetive play favoured for several reasons like shorter farming patterns resulting in faster farm while being unwardable and thus being safe doing it and etc.
                  radiant has only a higher winrate in pubs because of point of view and a safer roshan access. just what i heard about it."

                  Ye that is more like. I much more use map than farm, cause I`m bad farmer. And if i can put my hero in better possition in every tf ,or get faster split push escape, get win rate higher. So it `s make Dire better for those who like to overfarm oponent, and get faster items, but Radiant is better for those who likes more ganks and split push. And maybe that do with hero choise so i can assume that mine best heroes are more of map avearnes than farming. So you can gues somebodys play stile just from win rate of Drie and Radiant if you understadn just what each side gives you, Am I right?
                  Or just higher mmr player has better Dire win rate cause they know how to use farming advantage?