General Discussion

General DiscussionIs jugger Broken?

Is jugger Broken? in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    I dont see it how you can lose games with jug


      So much armor talents this patch which diminishes omnislash's damage

      Harry hamburgerryg

        Doom is fucking cancer vs jugg.

        Story Time

          honestly so many heros can slam jugger hard, i have no idea why would he be considered broken

          Potato Marshal

            Worst thing about fighting Jugg is when you have blind teammates who can't see the healing ward


              the ward THE FUCKING WARD KILL IT GODDAMN


                Not killing the ward and focusing jugg/nearby enemies without killing the ward is very triggering. It literally takes 1 shot to kill it and gives gold!


                  lul not really


                    I love playing Clockwerk against Juggernaught. The satisfaction of burning his mana in lane and later on making him waste Omnislash via Lotus Orb when I solo gank him later is what keeps me from leaving DOTA for good.


                      doom and LC so fucking cancerous. clock? who cares about clock


                        The only thing clock has is that jugg is melee and doesn't build hurricane pike

                        par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                          sf and clinkz really fun to play against that hero, try them out


                            *A good jugg player

                            Cancer Malaria

                              Nope, after 30mins in game jugg cant solo carry the team, he falls of his peak fairly easy


                                gets outcarried by even lc xd


                                Player 153433446

                                  Sven rush hod and get blink..sny..bkb by min 20



                                    You have 45% winrate on jugger and are crusader 4.

                                    Yeah, you rly seem unstoppable on jugger. Next TI Winner?

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      pick sven against this hero. pick lycan against this hero. pick any hero with summons against this hero.

                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                        You have 45% winrate on jugger and are crusader 4.

                                        The hero certainly has more potential than you.

                                        Summons, bkb-piercing disables, euls and deathball lineups all mess with him, not that you would understand any of this. Good thing i will never see you in my tier or my region.


                                          Aghs build jugg


                                            ^must be a pretty hard thing getting to legend 3. definitely not something mere crusader 4 pleb could achieve. right?


                                              Garbage hero

                                              bum farto

                                                Jugger is pretty garbage


                                                  imo not trash but not great
                                                  just average


                                                    not as fun as gyro though


                                                      Decent in a tinker meta since he can siege with spin and healing ward

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        the only time juggernaut is a scarier carry than most is when he is paired with invoker

                                                        Lruce Bee

                                                          This hero is ridiculously over powered. In built spell immunity on a carry with an ult that let's you solo kill anyone while remaining invulnerable. No bkb required ever. He is already one item slot up over other carries.

                                                          And he can support his team with ward. What other hard carry can heal? He farms faster than anti Mage and does more damage. Conceptually he is flawed but thankfully most people don't know how to play jugg due to a high skill cap.

                                                          O SIDE MUFFLER

                                                            I can only lose with jugg if i have really shit mid that goes retard after 10 mins. Smh


                                                              He doesn't farm faster than am, he is paper, and omnislash kinda gets gimped by a lot of things

                                                              U pick him for sieging, it's his biggest strength by far


                                                                I noticed all of the legend and below saying he's OP, ancient and up saying he's shit. I'm gonna go with he's shit


                                                                  Anti mage agi grow is bigger than jugger so am>jugger


                                                                    @Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate

                                                                    It may be so because people of 3k< don't know how to fight him. Like with Blood seeker,

                                                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                      Not even close to broken


                                                                        No listen to the Harold 5 Jugg is broken


                                                                          with the introduction of spirit vessel the healing ward is more a gimmick than a real thing (even though jugg can spin it off, his team wont be able). when using spin you lose all of your dps vs heroes so its not like lifestealers rage (which really is an inbuilt bkb). Depending on juggers manta/bkb timing every hero with natural silence just wrecks jugger... he reaches his pick easy and early, but loses it also fast and easy...
                                                                          you got problem with his omni? get a euls. problem with his heal? get a vessel. problem with his crit? get a halbred.
                                                                          i dont think jugg is top tier carry nor is he overpowered

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            with the introduction of spirit vessel the healing ward is more a gimmick than a real thing

                                                                            juggs bad but this is wrong. healing ward doesnt care about SV for several reasons, HW is a sustain tool for push and is aoe. u will not SV someone to stop heal while they are just healing and not fighting u because the cast range will lead to u dying in a dumb way and also HW lasts forever so gl with making a meaningful difference

                                                                            sv only counters HW for keeping jugg alive while hes focused (in which case it should be dying anyway)

                                                                            pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                              Harold 5

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Jugg is fine for the most part

                                                                                Player 345996680

                                                                                  i mean when you spin, an enemy physical damage hero such as shadowfiend just hits you and straight up die.


                                                                                    more like sf tries to nuke you with is eul magic build these days. nah i think luna and tb is kinda the hero that just hits u till udie while u try to spin slowly away.


                                                                                      His winrate isn't that high. I personally don't see too much problems with him.

                                                                                      Luna is more cancerous these days.

                                                                                      Story Time

                                                                                        wow, IO is the main counterpick versus jugger according to dotabuff winrate :D lel, i bet it is smth else though about io that makes him win games versus jug