General Discussion

General DiscussionWho calls the Dragon Knight?

Who calls the Dragon Knight? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How is he in the current scheme of things, this patch and potential future patch? Kindly share your thoughts. Thanks


      He's just kind of there, like always. Though, he's stronger now than ever before.


        seems like he's in a good place. He's good but not Op at all, pretty much the only remaining mele mid. Don't think he'll likely see a nerf or a buff in the current meta.

        Story Time

          the only remaining mele mid.

          Is bloodseeker no longer viable mid hero??


            Bloodseeker is always a good mid in the niche match-ups but that's the problem- Niche. DK just exist's everwhere and doesn't care who they pick. You can Pick DK and not lose mid.


              dk at 5-15min in the game doesnt really care if its a real game or a 1v0 training lobby. you do not contest a dk's farm unless you bring 3 heroes, while he wont contest yours too much aswell in most cases. he sometimes attempts to eat your tower, and thats about it

              Palmen aus Plastik

                Slight correction there. DK does not lose mid GENERALLY. But you just wait till you face either an Ursa, Timbersaw or Shadow Fiend mid. SF is one of the best mid picks right now, so it won't be fairly uncommon for your mid DK to get trashed in lane. There is absolutely nothing Davion can do in those matchups, better to just change lanes. Same applies of course, to the perpetual lane dominators like Viper, OD or Razor. Hell, a well played batrider will school DK.

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                  Yea I agree with this guy who's got some Chinese letters in his name as
                  Dk is weak to magic and sf can kill dk solo easily as razes gets stacked and even od can kill dk but dk can sustain

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                    I don't think.current viper is as good as viper used to be against dk. Dk can do.just fine in that lane

                    Player 281121816

                      I dont trust this chinese dude


                        viper doesnt beat dk anymore
                        razor is good
                        od is good
                        sf is ok, he cant kill until later, like lvl 5 ish, and with a wand and raindrops and even sr hp ur not that easy to burst down
                        batrider isnt played mid soooo......
                        ursa is again not THAT good, and he isnt played mid too much cuz he is far easier to gank and mess with in this mid trilane meta
                        shit like puck, qop, storm, other mid heroes, dk can almost ignore


                          Not sure what has been buffed other than his Dragon Breath going further. The Armlet has been nerfed, but he still stands at 53% winrate, presumably because people get along with him easier and Dragon Knight is the least hero to get a panic attack from.


                            the regen changes, and his talents are strong, Soul ring is strong on hima s well.

                            DK's always been "alright"


                              viper absolutely beats dk. Almost all of his damage is magic. Maybe you don't kill dk at level 3 but at level 6 dk actually just becomes food. Poison attack, ult, drop nethertoxin. Dk is now dead. Take it from a viper player.


                                lvl 6 ye, but not in early lane
                                early levels in poison attack dont do much harass


                                  viper absoultely does not beat DK anymore, Maybe the OLD viper would have. DK has no reason to care abotu vipers harass

                                  he throws down spit dk doesnt care he can tank creeps under tower with literally 0 issue.


                                    ^in case u weren't aware, dk doesn't have that armor under nethertoxin, it's called break
                                    He can't harass early, but u can do an alternative nethertoxin max build and kill at lvl 6 or harass better earlier on, it shud work


                                      Right, as in he throws spit on DK when hes in trying to CS, DK moves away from it, the lane pushes because he put spit on the creep wave, DK farms under tower.

                                      Palmen aus Plastik

                                        @I am numb, Sumail just picked batrider mid against Penta. Ark Timber! And crushed his lane, and the game! I really liked Bat mid, I'm glad someone brought him back.

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                                          DK vs SF is a 50-50 matchup because DK lacks attack speed while SF levels on his razes. DK mid is op shit


                                            DK is much like Viper... You are not going to lose the lane. It is a safe and unflashy pick for mid. DK is so tanky that he is hard to gank, let alone kill 1vs1.


                                              Currently a pretty good hero. He can be played on all core positions so you dont have to pick him late. You can make enemies guess what you're doing and get a laning advantage


                                                Sf shits on ALL melee heroes, including dk. Just not at lvl 1 and 2


                                                  Dk can just sit there and masturbate and still be harder to kill than most, sf has a chance if he hits a tripple raze which does more damage than a laguna blade apparently:( or a finger of death, but all dk has to do is not masturbate.


                                                    I'm still really confused as to why peopel don't think viper beats DK mid. Yeah you're not going to dominate the lane from level one but all DK is going to do is trade farm with you early. You don't need to go a max nethertoxin build against DK you just pick it up level 4 instead of another point in your passive. By level 5 you can start actively looking for kill opportunities, and at level 6 you can kill him pretty much any time he steps out from under tower. DK loses a 1v1 with viper from about 5 minutes on.


                                                      so a triple raze is guaranteed if u dk sits there and masturbate
                                                      íf he goes for cs, he gets triplerazed our out of position


                                                        dk is kind of a weird hero who you shit on laning stage in first 4 levels and he somehow catches up and gets farm anyway

                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                          Why isnt troll the meta?