General Discussion

General Discussion2k mmr games are fustrating

2k mmr games are fustrating in General Discussion

    Alright im not here to say my team is shit and im better bla bla but srsly how can u win when u play with these types of players

    The carry that cant carry
    You support him and get him the lead he needs then he keeps over extending on his own and constantly dies even when uv got wards up and tell him the enemy is comming to get him. Also after his got a good lead thinks he can 1v3 1v4 or 1v5 and just dies. Simply doesnt know how to farm properly.

    The wanker that just shit talks his team

    The ignorant arshole that picks last and picks a hero that simply doesnt work or provide and thing for the team or is even straight up counterd by the enemy.

    The suppprt that thinks after warding the rune spawn in the river his supporting job is over.

    Wont help the team push early when vsing heros that only become a big deal in the late game

    Never leaves the lane he started in.

    The guy that constantly dies cause hes diving a hero that is low hp even tho there is no way he can finish him off.

    To conclude all this Im not good enough to win games solo unless im playing a hero that snowballs hard and i get that lead. So Tryinng to talk these players is my only option. Alot of the time the drafts are that bad it seems like the best option is to just leave the game. Also even when winning its crap because every game in 2k is just 1 side getting completly stompped and that makes it kinda boring. Its very rare that the matchmaking system does a desent job of having even teams but that might also be the smaller player pool from playing in Australia

    Also why the fuck are there so manny smurfs in this bracket the amount i see is a joke.

    On a last note i know that the match making is still based of mmr but with these metals 9/10 games i have the highest ranking metal on my team. im only a archon 4 yet always playing with crusaders and if im lucky 1 other archon iv also had a few games with guardians. Iv also vsed some legends. Why cant i be the lowest metal rank on the team for once.

    Theres 1 thing ill admit im really bad at and need a tip on is breaking the high ground.

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      I actually find that people leave the lanes and start roaming map way too early, the picking is indeed problematic but you can get over it with coordination, and supporting is usually done by me so it's not really a problem (unless I'm terrible, which you can make case of, but I love warding)


        But, with this guy, a lack of co-ordination IS the problem! (Sorry, I'm only Guardian, so you have every right to assume my advice is trash) Picks are terrible, I know. Everybody feeds. I know. I'm always paired with people whom are unresponsive and try and dual mid with me, no matter how much I tell them not to! But I've still been winning many of my matches recently.

        You know how Dota tries to keep you at a 50/50 winrate? If your the best player on your team, you should demolish the other team, because they SHOULD in theory be all about the same skill. Pick a good hero who can independently make a huge impact on the game, and roam. Target the squishy heroes with low armor, gank like heck, farm lots between ganks, etc. If your being paired with retards and the enemies are also retards, and you start winning lots, the game will think; "Wait a moment, this guy is stomping! Gotta fix that...." The game should make the enemies harder, and therefore your team should be better, but hey! That's just a speculation. Lol

        Crimson Sky

          I'm 2k trash also so feel free to ignore me: I've been having success with Luna because she farms extremely well in the mid game allowing you to outlevel and out item your opponents (even if they have supposed counters). Her glaives mean you can break high ground relatively easy and as soon as you start charging down mid most of your team will eventually follow and you can end a lot of games <30mins.

          Item choices are easy: Fast Aquila into brown boots followed by mask of death, then treads / MoM depending on whether you're staying in lane or moving to the jungle. Get into the habbit of using MoM on cooldown to farm all your jungle camps and the ancients in the 1min respawn timer, definitely easier on Dire side it has to be said (don't forget to stack if you are midway through a camp near the timer.)

          Push lane out if you need to and use map awareness to take an easy t1 and t2 tower when enemies are on the other side of the map. By now you should have dragon lance and yasha.. next item is dependent on enemy, sometimes you can go straight for a butterfly (if they have a lot of physical) and then into a manta, sometimes you need bkb after yasha if they got a lot of lockdown.

          Top tips: Don't get involved in stupid teamfights across the map even if your team flames you, although it is a BAD strategy in higher skill levels, farming out your jungle and the lane each minute is decent strategy at this level because the enemy ignores you and rarely if ever comes to gank you. By midgame you should be at least 1 big item ahead of the enemy and 2-4 levels ahead.

          Don't be scared to manfight your enemies in the midgame, you can win many engagements by your burst from lucent beams and eclipse and also the heavy lifesteal if you pop MoM.

          tl;dr: Pick heroes which are able to come online quickly and push lanes / towers well. Tiny can also work although you need to teamfight more, Clinkz is decent but relies on farming heroes not creeps.


            It is, 2ks are stupid, but it shouldn't matter if you're good.

            unbreakable spirit

              I have been there, but I don't think it was that hard to get out of 2k, abusing the meta viable cores is the most efficient way to grind mmr, I did it when necro was op as fuck, spammed both necro and pudge, before I had like less than 50% win rate with both of them, and when I finally got to 3k my Winrate on them was around 65%, so what I'm saying is spam a core hero that can snowball well or spam a ganking hero like a pudge or a Mirana, I don't think people ever tps to mid to save their cores in 2k bracket(in rare cases they might) and about smurfs, just gank the shit out of that guy as you can, more than likely he will outplay you or foresee what's gonna happen, anyway this is a one in hundred situation u meet a smurf! For breaking the high ground, your team should have a front liner or someone who can close the gap between your team and the one who is hard defending the towers, say they got a sniper, you can try to hook him with pudge or run at him with a spirit breaker, or you can just put your Medusa or bb or a centaur up front forcing enemy spells to your favor.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                If ur also 2k just know that ur also doing the same things

                Alright i am here to say my team is shit and im better



                  You win 48% of your games. ff you cant win games in your bracket it means, you are pretty much where you belong. Watch your replays and you see, how many mistakes you actually make.

                  casual gamer

                    it's just a prank bro

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      i'm not racist, but...