General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker hacking

Invoker hacking in General Discussion

    i played with a invoker today and he was using hacks here is the match id can you check this game and pls ban him

    Match ID:

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      no time for ur shit.


        if you are referring about the sunstrike early game to doom, i think it is not. he just reading your sequence of neutral creeps, he missed quite a lot. that sunstrike at top neutral camp to juggernaut, is very predictable. 10-11 seconds after a minute mark creeps respawn and missing on the top. again, it wasn't a was just knowing where you guys are up to. he missed alot of rune going top and bottom. in the end, you won the game :)


          no man did you see he sunstrikes when mouse is somwhere else and the auto block creeps


            auto Eul's as soon as i blinks he uses Eul's and other shit.


              I thought this was me monkagiga yesterday i plaed a game with ibvoker and got accussed of cheating bc of my fast reflexes feelsgoodman


                you think that was fast reflexes