General Discussion

General Discussionmeteor hammer for skywrath mage

meteor hammer for skywrath mage in General Discussion

    is this item good for sky? with a combo dagger eul and meteor

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Good luck standing 2.5 seconds in one place with that paper

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        I just want to find the sky idea for push tower, or this is just bad idea :D

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          If you have no pushers than sure, but that's risky

          In general you don't draft sky on a team without pushing power, this isn't his niche


            yes you're right i guess that makes sense too, maybe that item not best for him at all

            Potato Marshal

              No, you have enough nukes, and it's hard enough to juggle them all without having another one that's channeled.


                Meme hammer only good on riki