Since 7.06f? Yes he's much better
But he got a faor share of nerfs lately which have putted him around to middle way in viability, still better than 7.06f
Ams talents are kind of bad compared to what they were, but the hero is okay. Nothing special
he was really good when he originally got the blink illusion talent thats when he was a bit broken
they nerfed it and now he is back to being situational and mediocre
there rnt rlly times when am is pure shit at least not in a while since he is still pickable against the heroes he is good against, making him always situational
what makes him better than situational aka good to broken is when he is pickable against heroes he isnt that good against and still wins
meanwhile in my trash bracket dude last-picks AM into this ...
He was super op when 7.07 came in , then after the morph,dusa and pl buffs he went out of the meta and was super weak for a couple of weeks. Is he back now?
ROFL i assure you your AM was good. but you didnt win because the hero is good, rather we played liek complete garbage. and that guy picking storm into your first pick AM. he was fucking garbage. he was in my team after that and palyed like garbage as well.
for noobs here, a lesson in why jugg > AM.
your team is suppose to win easily in early game with jugg, and then pressure the map, and then am has no farm. jugg can farm pretty quick and basically am is never a match for jugg. jugg snowballs and wins.
what should not happen is supports not securing the safelane (for whatever reason) resulting in a draw/loss for no reason. Because jugg has a much stronger laning presence than an am, he should definitely win the lane relative to an AM.
if your supports (after afking in early game) start going to other lane to lose (how does AM get free farm if u are being aggressive on him?), you know you are in hot soup. In 99% of cases a juggernaut should not be struggling in lane while am free farms and supports feed. by default you have the stronger early game presence. AM has shitty stats and cannot even manfight a jugg. mobility got nerfed too so his skillset is even more limited now. garbage teamfight presence.
I hate that he’s bannd every game, not because I pick him oh no, because I love killing antimages and would love to play against one.
am lanes well against some heroes
mana drain is preeeeeeety good sometimes
jugg isnt some laning god
he has good kill potential with spin but that requires a support with a slow or stun set up to make it work
as a default hero there r plenty of offlaners that force the supports to deal with him, which frees the map for am
am farms way faster than jugg, and jugg cant do anything with no mana
am cant manfight him, but am doesnt manfight anyone
thats not the point of am
jugg is more pickable because he is more versatile, that doesnt mean am is bad in every match
u just have a jugg boner/fetish
what does ur offlane bb do to am
what abt tidehunter
even omniknight
what abt any mana dependent offlaner
if ur suggesting jugg solo lane and his supports agro tri pressure the am, then am will also have 2 supports with him
what am depends on is a good pick, he is garbage if those supports + offlaner r stronger than him + supports
he is good when thats not true and they lack disable
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AM is picked more in pubs now. Is he back in the meta?