General Discussion

General Discussionshould i make new acc or stick to this?

should i make new acc or stick to this? in General Discussion

    This acc is 40% winrate and it suck


      your kda and winrate dude - you are suck at core roles and dota itself

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        It's just a game dude, not like any one of us is going pro so just have fun and improve :")


          ^this guy right here, preach it brother. Half the c*nts here don't get that

          Melodic Star

            Try it? some people tried it got good result but depends how u will play it. Good luck do what u want that will makes u happy.

            Boop Boop

              Watch the hero's the pros pick. Then pick those. Honestly I had a below 50 winrate. Who cares

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                please enjoy game


                  Why don't you set yourself a goal and do it.
                  For example your goal right now could be to get to 50% winrate with this account.

                  Your time, your decision.

                  Chao Vritra

                    just keep learning. stick with heroes you are good at. It is only based on 16 games but your WR with QOP is good maybe try her more.

                    You seem to have higher KDAs and winrates on gankers and less with carries, maybe try roaming support or any hero that goes for kills early. Just keep practicing man I have played dota for a long time and I still suck.


                      Ur account is still young after some time u will reach ur mmr pool where things will start to settle and ur winrate and kda will improve right now u deserve crusader than archon.


                        I smell core picker wannabe here. With that winrate and low kda how could you dare pick core forever?

                        Create new account and pick core forever? Nah, you just cant accept reality that you didnt good as core that why your winrate so low.

                        so if you create new account and get 60% winrate as guardian make you happy?


                          but u have better medal than my friend 60%wr lmao.
                          just stick with that acc.
                          2 years ago this acc have 30%wr lmao and improve little by little to 70%wr


                            Take time learning the game man. Like making a new account will do nothing for you. Just relax and play to learn before you play to win.


                              actually he should make a new account and do the all hero challenge on it
                              He won't risk any ridicule and he can see what every hero is about

                              or just continue it on this one..


                                dont pick carry and dont ruin others game !

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  With that winrate GabeN will bless you with easier games the next queues, so keep playing and if you still lose... You can try new acc but I doubt it would be the same