I just usually see Arc/Brood/Meepo/Tinker/Invo/Storm/Qop being the choice of these boosters.
All of these heroes have snowball capability if left unfocused or not hard countered. All of these heroes can flash farm the jungle if they are primarily focused and jungling is their fallback mechanic. Lastly, most of these heroes can hit towers hard and rat if they need to. Boosters rat if they know their team can't 5v5 a better enemy draft. They usually rat to force tps/buybacks if needed
There's a difference between being a booster and playing 1000+ mmr below your bracket and being an actual player in that bracket.
There are always those few heroes great for boosting, but yes, mid lane is probably your safest bet, as you can go and crush other lanes too if you won your lane hard enough, and the enemy will be the least likely to keep up with your tempo, and fall out of the game.
spamming lane support like ever and mmr went up like shits. dude believe me, your mmr will go to where your current skill is, regardless of your role.
me? im spamming unranked like hell before spamming ranked, games getting unbelievably easy.
play the role you are best at
there are reason why i don't play invoker in ranked
I got better from playing a lot of heroes and roles. Usually its 3-5 but recently people let me carry on account of my medal being displayed and being higher lmao. And I feel I got better playing core by playing a lot of other roles. I feel more aware and ny wr has gone up quite a bit. “Spammable” heroes for me are those that you can pick and are guaranteed to have an impact. Shadow shaman is my vote for support. Roaming go whoever is good. And the ussuals for core, meepo, brood etc
boosters spam heroes and dont give a fuck about playing the game with their team,you can't gain mmr unless you are skilled, boosters are not people you should look up to,learn to play 1 role and stick to it,mid/off is the most impacteful but safe is good too.Watch high mmr players and do the same.
"Fauzan 2 hours ago
spamming lane support like ever and mmr went up like shits. dude believe me, your mmr will go to where your current skill is, regardless of your role.
me? im spamming unranked like hell before spamming ranked, games getting unbelievably easy."
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I usually see a lot of mid players grind mmr faster than anyone. 2nd fastest might be the safelane role. It just depends on what you're good at but most boosters play mid so that would be my rough conclusion.