General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy morphling considered op/good now

Why morphling considered op/good now in General Discussion

    And how to play him


      It doesn't take mana to use Morph, and can also be used while stunned.
      Basically, the only way to kill the hero is really good burst, or silence.

      Probably the best hero to grind MMR with right now. If you are truly a better player than your peers, you will be unstoppable with the hero.

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        literally unkillable hero with insane damage, good laning, good lategame, good everything


          Buy spirit vessel and Morph is killable. He's countered by silences and hexes. And Ancient Apparition.


            Are you sure china?
            He change stats he dont regen...


              Pair him with ANY lockdown and you kill. And are unlillable yourself

              Fee Too Pee

                Yea, spirit vessel and AA ulti basically prevent any ability to regaining health, regardless heal, time walk, change in stats.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  ^^^ AA is like the most well-known counter to Morph since forever, it's like Armlet, they gain HP when gaining those Strength unlike from buying a bracer or any STR items(This just adjust your HP by percentage). So you don't see anyone countering AA with Armlet because it still counts as HP gain.

                  Btw @OP
                  His attribute shift is extremely buffed, no mana and an insane rate at level 4.
                  The way you play him now is more conservative unlike when he had Replicate. Just split push and jungle, something like a Luna or shit, except that you will get Eblade and be more threatening later.
                  Never touch the ult, it's useless.


                    Its not that good actually.You just over reacting


                      Wow ty didnt know that!


                        Someone pls explain to me how morphling is a good laner.


                          ^u abuse Regen, go full agi, and deal dmg
                          Ur tangos r super value

                          Potato Marshal

                            Just being able to constantly shift stats with no mana is so strong. They nerfed him to shit when they reworked him at first but then overbuffed him right afterwards to compensate.


                              thanks will grind with morph now.

                              casual gamer

                                no manacost on mrph str, which also now heals like 500? hp/sec so impossible to outdamage without aa or vessel

                                adaptive buffed too


                                  So say a skywrath is trading with you with Q. Are you actually morphing str before u get hit? Or is that impractical.

                                  casual gamer

                                    you get fucked on hp morphing from str to agi so i dont think you would ever do that


                                      Btw, what's the matchup between AM and Morphing like now? I imagine it favoured AM before coz he just drained his mana but I guess it's different now?

                                      casual gamer

                                        if morph has a team with no catch morph is just a carry that cannot catch am. morph cant really play the insanely aggressive split pushing he used to be able to so if am doesnt die u get ratted into sadness

                                        you can do some goofy shit like full str-> stun ult manta and burn his mana, but we will have to see if it is actually worth doing or just a meme

                                        yeah the fact he doesnt need mana to morph str makes him way better against am

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                                          He is better against AM than he was before but AM is still very solid vs morph. He's one of the few heroes that is OK with trading farm vs morph, mana burn still is unpleasant to play against for morph as you can't wave to safety and most of morphs midgame damage from wave+adaptive is negated by magic shield. If you look at dotabuff winrates AM is third best after puck and techies!

                                          The DarKNovA

                                            Multiple factors are better now against AM, like of course the stat change being free of mana, or in later game the fact that waveform attacks targets so it's not hard to bring his illus down, or how at 25, you can even do a quick catch with double waveform, but there are factors that actually became worse; one thing is that you can't make a replicate of him and just harass him out of mana or lane during laning phase, or that with the "creates uncontrollable illusion" you can't really try to chase him, since you will be left without mana even as he's running away.

                                            Also @OP, with the increased bounties on creeps and such, every strong ultra late hero has become stronger, Morphling included.

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                                              I dont understand how the morph work. Everytime i got ganked i shift to full str, after i survived the gank i return to full agi and i only got 1 hp remaining. Can someone explain how this spell work?

                                              Bill Cutting

                                                Any tips on how to play this hero when your team is behind?

                                                I recently played against a drow line up- had a pretty tough lane against warlock and wr

                                                I did reasonably well but Dusa just got really big and they took our base

                                                Felt a bit hopeless...

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                                                  meanwhile, nobody talking about morph's ult ROFL

                                                  Pointy Shoes

                                                    @G-zooz you are shifting your stats from strength (which increase total health power), then you take damage and shift back, so your health power will decrease relative your new total health power. BUT also:

                                                    Gaining/losing strength through Attribute Shift increases/reduces current health by 20 per point as well, instead of only maximum health.

                                                    So when you reduce strength you will also loose fixed HP.

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                                                    The DarKNovA

                                                      Morph's stat change doesn't increase or decrease your HP RELATIVELY, it DIRECTLY adds or removes 20 HP / str shifted.
                                                      So if you have, say, 4,200 hp out of 5,000 at full str, when you morph 200 str to agility, you will have 200 hp out of 1,000.
                                                      The same way, if you have 1 hp out of 380, if you morph 100 agility into str, you will have 2,001 hp out of 2,380.

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                                                        i think u skip eblade against am if he is ur main concern
                                                        or if he is = farmed with u
                                                        might as well go more dps oriented items, maybe even hex or smth


                                                          Is e blade a must have?
                                                          I feel it is situational against squishy heroes.
                                                          Why nobody play morphling whit deso or mealstorm?


                                                            I learn something new about morph today. U can't trade hits with that fucker. Literally unkillable with str morph. Now that wouldn't be a problem if he didn't hit like a truck still even with unlimited hp and 0 agiility. And that's in the early game. Wtf.

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                                                              Why nobody play morphling whit deso or mealstorm?

                                                              Because morp build stats item

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                Eblade allows you to do a ton of burst damage while remaining in high agility form for only a short amount of time. Deso and maelstrom requires you to stay in high agility form for an extended period of time, putting yourself at a higher risk.

                                                                The DarKNovA

                                                                  Actually, a Maelstrom/Mjollnir can put out huge (and I mean HUGE, I mean multiple thousands) damage with the waveform attacks+2 waveform talent, especially against illusion based heroes. It's just that you're sacrificing stats for it, and your farm is also better with some extra mana regen.


                                                                    this is gonna get nerfed for sure. this shit is huge, with tango and full agi morph he literally have good early games. and don't ask about mid games. and late games.

                                                                    his morph ult play tricks to enemies. and that waveform talent is huge. greatly huge.

                                                                    bad position? linken check, manta check, morph str check wave form 2x check tp check. hello base.


                                                                      Linkens eblade build is still the default build for him as linkens is still a very good stats and farming item to have. As for mael to clear creep, you dont need it because linkens+eblade and you waveform a creepwave makes all the melee creep 10hp or so with some more damage you can one shot creepwave


                                                                        If you watch one of my morph games you know why hes not op.


                                                                          Linken to eblade or eblade to linken

                                                                          The DarKNovA

                                                                            @Offlane, I don't know whether you did something wrong, or you were just extremely unlucky, but damn.
                                                                            @G-zooz, Linken to eblade for sure, Morph needs that manaregen hard if you want to keep up with your farming.


                                                                              THIS HERO TOO OP. I AM ON 7 GAMES WIN STREAK WITH MORPHLING, THIS IS GONNA GET NERFED FOR SURE.


                                                                                EARLY GAME - CHECK NO MANA SHIFT, 1 SALVE = NO BACK TO FOUNTAIN
                                                                                MID GAME CHECK - FARM CAPABILITIES WITH ONLY LINKENS
                                                                                LATE GAME - CHECK YOU KNOW . LATE GAME
                                                                                ESCAPE - CHECK WAVE FORM + SHIFT = UNKILLABLE
                                                                                UTILITY - CHECK , CHANGE FORM CAN USE OTHER ENEMIES OR FRIENDS SKILLS
                                                                                NUKE - CHECK THOSE SHIT WITH E BLADE


                                                                                  hahah you took your mouth full

                                                                                  The DarKNovA
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