I don't know about you, but lately i really rarely pull, i generally camp mid. Pulling seems not nearly as strong since the offlane translated back into a durable. So in general static farming is now better. So there are better ways to spend the laning phase
And I like cm with me, that root is great
Lich and cm i believe
Every support that can give you kill opportunities and that won't dive and die alone
Favorite: Warlock probably. His heal and harass abilities are great.
Least: Probably Shadow Demon. HE has good harass but and ok catch but man he disrutpr your own lane.
Favourite: None. Solo lane every game.
Least favourite: Any.
Most retarded jackoffs like a healer support like Dazzle, Omni or Warlock because they don't know how and when to trade with the offlane and draw him out or survive ganks without the backup of a sustain support.
I'm not a carry player but when I do play the role, a support who simply doesn't auto attack the creeps is sufficient for me. Expecting them to know when to stack and pull, harass the offlane and collect bounty runes or stay out of xp range to prevent leeching is like dreaming Emma Stone to come and ask me out.
> the one who doesn't autoattack in my lane or take my last hits as a carry; knows how to pull creeps.
Im sure my carry only loves getting kills and wont notice anything else. So lion shaman pudge if Im supporting, which I probably am
Used to be winter wyvern because they would have a heal, good harass, insane ulti. Had like a 67% winrate when she was supporting me. Then the ulti got trashed and you barely see her picked any more. Lich is also about 68% winrate so probably Lich would be my preferred.
Btw I have a 66% winrate with a Zeus on my team and 65% winrate with spectre (4th and 5th highest), behind only Omni, Lich and Wyvern. Just saying.
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Equally what are your least favorite supports to have in your lane?