General Discussion

General DiscussionSeatard vocabulary

Seatard vocabulary in General Discussion

    You know you’re in SEA when you hear:

    “Me farm” (marks jungle)
    (Mark LC off) “LC go farm me solo top”
    “Me solo”
    “Ward”(no ward in stock)
    “Mid no gank report”
    “Report miss”
    “Me semi sup” (goes mirana jungle buys 1 ward and builds midas leaves jungle at 15minutes)
    (During draft, only one support in team) “we need more carry/tank)
    “Dark seer go supp”
    “Omni carry? Report”(if you go offlane omni and stomp but dont ward)
    “Slow hands”
    “Lion sup me bot”(AM proceeds to go into the offlane and asks where is his support)
    “Give me mid”
    “No gank gg”
    “Just end”

    What did I miss?


      I’m not complaining anymore this is just my life now. I just wanted to share with the rest of the world


        Doesn't know positions 3 and 4.

        Team composition consists of 1, 1, 1, 1 and 69.


          Jugg luna dual offlane.


            This one time someone had a mic on alf was yelling “JACK! JACK! JACK! Noob jack! And we were wondering who he was calling. It turned out he was calling the juggernaut😂 and was saying “jugg” but couldnt articulate it.


              "Me mid 2 tangoes 1 ward ty" = autolose

              also "300gpm noob want to carry" = worst homosapien on earth that ever lived


                Doesn't know positions 3 and 4.
                Team composition consists of 1, 1, 1, 1 and 69.

                The most accurate argument

                Give me high-five,brother


                  “Me farm” (marks jungle)



                    I am 300 gpm but i can carry well, my point? - gpm does not corellate with your skill


                      100% agree with soul. Ty


                        I am 300 gpm but i can carry well, my point? - gpm does not corellate with your skill

                        It does to a certain extend, if you only play carry (literally every game) and you have only 300 GPM then that shows that you're really really bad at playing carry.

                        There are people that look like gods with their ~800 GPM in their profile but then you check their games and they all spam Arc Warden/Meepo/Alchemist. Then it's really easy to have that GPM. When I play carry only I sit around 450-600 GPM. It drops below ~500 after I start losing games that are 1 sided stomps etc where you can't farm at all so you lose GPM.

                        Palmen aus Plastik

                          you missed 'fail mid' calls as soon as you die once in the midlane. It is irrelevant whether 4 players smoke ganked you or if you got solo killed. You failed mid, your dota pub career should at that point cease to exist. Interestingly, no one says fail top or bot, their eyes on mid while they cede tower after tower just to blame the midlaner.


                            “Swap Lane”
                            “Pick ES/Lion/stunner”
                            “Give me carry”
                            “I hate this supports!”

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