well i dont ban anything actually. coz simply i dont belive with something called counter, coz if u good with ur hero u can surpass ur enemy. like even meepo can defeat es, enigma, tide that bound in the same team.
techies, almost always. makes games last longer. i dont mind loosing to uncountered lastpicks, but to being unable to siege highground because of that bullshit hero :)
A good meepo is really hard to fight against especially if you got caught off guard (Enemy last picking meepo and you got no counters)
legend 5
almost always slark, because a slark winning frustrates me to no end
otherwise tinker bc prolonging games
Legend 3 on that one
Legion Commander, almost always
Tilting to play against, tilting to play with. Annoying as fuck.
I ban beastmaster, omniknight and spirit breaker in that order. If any of them is a bonus hero i will prioritize that hero.
crusader 4 invoker or pudge because everyone wants to play them and it just never works out in your favor
tinker or dp because they counter my fallback hero of viper in lane and make it hard to get going.
1. AM. either he is completely useless or my team cant deal with splitpush at all
2. invoker. full with 30% first pick invokers
3. nyx. mana boots into dagon 5 is apparently the go-to build in my mmr. always a gg if in your team
Legend 5 or 4.1k
I ban
1) AM: hero is very strong and very hard to deal with if they enemy supports him properly.
2) Invoker : Dat hero is just so strong once the mid game rolls around. the number of spells that he is able to throw out in a 12 second team fight is crazy.
3) Tinker, Just gross, disgusting hero. Gets his farm always and makes highground sieges near impossible with march. Now that KAYA item is just plain silly on him.
Special mention to techies, I will always ban him in my morning game before work. I get about 1 hr to play and most games only last 35-45 mins so It means I get a game in before work without being late. Enter TECHIES and well i've been late before.
Thank goodness my work is flexible and I just have to stay a bit later so its no problem, but screw techies.
IF those above heros are banned or my teammate REALLY REALLY wants one of those heros, I will ban whichever role I am about to play
Offlane ( i want to pick pitlord so I ban jugg or ursa) for example.
I only ban medusa or nyx. My WK can't outfight medusa super late game :C. Tried a lot of times.
AM - my teammates almost always dont have a clue how to play against him, or in my team have no impact whatsoever
Weaver - i just cant stand playing against this hero
LOL. I first pick. Thus, I usually play versus at least 2+ mana burns. KOTL, Lion, Nyx, PL, AM, Invoker, diffus weaver etc. The best counter to WK would be CK. But no ones plays on CK. Good CKs rekt me hard.
AM is almost always a free win for me if my team has a decent pick. PL, Invoker are harder to counter but after level 20 they aren't the problem. However, WK is really pick/teamplay dependant. If my team doesn't have proper lockdowns or got bad teamfight I usually lose. WK can't farm, can't split push. He has to go with the team and take towers. However, I still can win 60+ games on WK when I get my 6 slots because this hero is brutal tbh.
Divine 5 - rank 2500ish eu
1. Meepo - Good meepo's can 1v5 in this bracket
2. Medusa - annoying hero, strong in lane, scales extremely well and can team fight
3.omniknight - another excellent example of an annoying hero which creats great pressure in lane and contributes to team fights really well
DARK WILLOW - fuck that shitty little fairly and her excellent damage, cc and scaling
I ban sven always. I don't even play Meepo much anymore, but I'd always want the back-alley opportunity, so I ban that massive counter-pick pain in my ass
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State your MMR tier/Medal and why do you ban them?
1. AM
2. Invoker
3. Nyx
They heavily counter my core picks: Spec, Medusa, WK