General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom ROG Dreamleague which heroes you think they should be nerfed or ...

From ROG Dreamleague which heroes you think they should be nerfed or reworked. in General Discussion

    For me only 2 heroes who should be reconsidered are Bane and Lone Druid

    Bane has been a strong hero in lane since DOTA1 who you can't 1-1 with him because of brain sap and nightmare, but in dreamleague Puppey made him more obnoxious by put lvl in his enfeeble first . Enfeeble is worse than Brew 2nd skill because with lvl2 it's reduce 60dmg , last 20s and cannot be dispeled (with 8 second cd). With -60dmg in early game I don't think any heroes could last hit with it (maybe zeus and storm but what if they just hit to cancel your clarity).

    LD is fine, but for the sake of entertainment he should get some reworked in Scepter upgrade because Nobody want to see the game that you send invi bear to base for 30 mins until you win the game in every Tournament #ResidentSleeper

    another one is Morp but it already have a topic on that hero

    ps. I support Secret (my in-game profile still put Secret logo since TI7) but I think for the lives of us plebs and my entertainment. These should be changed.

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Isn't it clear that bane is broken? He was broken in 7.86 and got buffed


        Unfortunately Brewmaster will probably get a nerf on his second spell. His win rate is huge. Spaming 70% miss chance for 20 mana is no joke. It leaves enemy carry having half of the cs/10 min mark that he would normally have unless you are playing against a triple lane.


          for me if that skill can be dispeled you still have an option to pick Oracle to counter it. but yeah 70%miss and 8s cd + 20 mana are still too much.

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            Deep analysis coming from @Lex.
            I agree. Definetely HUGE.
            (Hint: Icefag balances Dodo around pro scene, not around pub shitclub)

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              Strong nerf predictor is not a big pub winrate (no one cares about pubs, when balancing Dota), but a huge pick/ban rate, coupled with a huge winrate for the same hero in a major Dota 2 professional event.

              I'd say Razor, Morphling, Rubick and Omniknight are all going to get nerfs.
              Razor to his E damage output, Morphling to his Morph speed or will be reworked again, Rubick to his aura and Omni to his manacosts.

              All other hero nerfs will most likely be cosmetic and not as noteworthy.

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                This is more interesting.

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                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Wait was chen really the only unplayed hero?

                  that's better than the ti :o


                    Lone Druid aghs bear tho. Nerf that anti fun hero

                    < blank >

                      Man Scfd who the fuck are you actually ?

                      Did he say anywhere that nerfs are all about the fuckin pubs ? Are u some reetarded russian kid ?

                      And Slark being nerfed to the ground is ofc because it was OP on pro scene ? Please....

                      Brewmaster before this patch was almost non existant. The reason why it had such a low win rate is mostly that he is ez shut down by competetive players.

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                        You obviously can't read, dumbfuck. Also, you're retarded (literally).
                        Let's check facts.

                        Thread name.
                        ROG DREAMLEAGUE
                        Try to keep that one in your brain.

                        Well, in ROG DREAMLEAGUE Brewmaster had 31.25% winrate, so what Lex said applies only to pubs.
                        It's a fact.

                        Balancing revolves around the pro scene, thus pub winrates aren't really relevant.
                        It's a fact. Spectre always had a very high pub winrate, so did Omni, so did Aba, etc. It is irrelevant.

                        Now, try performing a complex logical operation and combine these 2 facts. I know it may be hard for you to comprehend, but just try to. Let it sink in. It may take you a day or two.

                        < blank >

                          Complex logical operation ? :D Did you read that in Russ-Eng dictionary ? xd Man chill out or you're gonna get a heart attack.

                          I dont know what he meant, he was obviously refering to pubs. I understood he just skipped refering to the thread itself. Also dont understand why we should predict nerfs refering to ROG DREAMLEAGUE. The thread itself should be more generalized to " Who will get nerfed in next patch".

                          And sarcams is not your best weapon, also trying to act smart. A smartass at max I would say. :P

                          You better pray now, so Brewmaster dont get nerfed, cos you gonna look like an idiot.

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                            im pretty sure they just buff lone druid tbh


                              ^ you wish

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                that statistic includes qualifiers too. in the actual major, brewmaster went 3-3 and had 50% winrate, same with Omni who is also 3-3. But omni was banned 27 times, so he was the most contested hero, along with bane, which means altough he "only" has a 50% winrate, he needs nerfs anyway because he is super obnoxious and teams dont want to play against him (there were a total of 35 games). Same for Bane, and Bane actually has 75% winrate in 12 games, best in the tournament for any hero picked at least 6 times. So Bane and Omni are the prime canditates for nerfs. For buffs, im expecting alchemist, clinkz, spectre and riki mainly. any hero that went unpicked is likely to get some sort of buff though.

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                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  i always get confused about win% of bans
                                  if a hero is banned 10 times and the corresponding win% is 60 does it mean the team that banned the hero won 60% of the time or the other team?


                                    Watch out guys, scfd is a plus member.
                                    Sit down hoe.
                                    If nobody cared about pubs half of the bs that reddit users cry about wouldn’t get though but they.
                                    This is all guessing from anybody who isn’t icefrog, therefore, any guess you are making is as irrelevent as the next person.


                                      On the topic of Brewmaster:
                                      IMO problem w Brew is that he's one of the few heroes left who is crazily dependent on ult: ability to cast it, its usage, the downtimes you avoid fights in between. Don't get me wrong, the rest of his kit isn't bad, but he lacks mana, and just doesn't command respect without split.
                                      Let's compare with other offlaners. Tide is a tanky shit who can cause problems in fights without ravage because of gush and anchor smash. Doom as well, can be disruptive if left unchecked with scorched earth and infernal blade flying around. Batrider and Enigma can cause huge damage, and at the very least can zone with their abilities. We all know about Puck's abilities. How about Brew? Unless positioning goes your way and you can burst a support with clap+crit? You waddle around and annoy with W. Get clap off 2 times before you're mana starved. yes I'm underselling him, but not by much and you know it.
                                      On OP's topic:
                                      Bane is in a good place now. Let him enjoy a little, he went undrafted in TI7.
                                      At least REAL LD is back, with his rat ways, not LD the Sniper.


                                        Would say slardar and brew.
                                        Both deserve a nerf(slard's 1st and brew's 2nd skill are ultra OP)

                                        69 god

                                          Necro is nerfed too much

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            Buff huskar a little maybe? I like the hero but its rarely get picked :(