General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat impresses me most about Team Liquid

What impresses me most about Team Liquid in General Discussion

    I know everyone's talking about the new patch, but after reading the comments from the recent thread asking what people think their weaknesses are (which is a pretty good discussion I think), it made me feel more strongly of my thoughts on Team Liquid's impressive capabilities.

    I'm talking about this after watching Liquid's impressive victory over Vici Gaming at the recent Dota Pit Minor. They went from a 0-2 deficit to a 3-2 victory, something that I don't think we've seen in a best of 5 premier tournament finals, even if some of them go to a game 5.

    Fnatic also duplicated such a victory at the SEA qualifiers for the Summit 8 qualifier, agreeably a lower level of competition but against the new powerhouse of Mineski nonetheless.

    The reason I think this discussion is important is because it explores what it mentally takes to win at Dota, and the short answer is the same as to what it takes to succeed in life: Endurance.

    Here's an example of the different milestones that an average player would have to overcome to atleast steadily improve at Dota.

    > Not giving up at a bad draft.

    > Not giving up at a bad laning stage.

    > Not giving up losing easily winnable fights.

    > Not giving up after losing a game.

    > Not giving up after a bad day of a series of ranked games.

    > Not giving up after coming very close to reaching a milestone (eg. 4k) then falling back down.

    > Not giving up despite reaching a high tier and not being recognised.

    > Not giving up after joining a team and becoming a professional but finding little success.

    > Not giving up after becoming a top tier team and still not winning Majors/Minors.

    > Not giving up after qualifying for The International and not coming close to victory.

    > Not giving up after being a finalist at The International and not winning. (Newbee)

    > Not giving up after winning The International and dedicating years to the game but being considered washed up. (Dendi)

    > Not giving up after dedicating years to the game but never finding concrete success at The International or otherwise. (Bulba)

    Understand, the names/teams I mentioned are by no means what I consider the best at the game, but who I think have endured the most regardless of how much success they have found.

    This is what brings me back to Team Liquid, is that despite winning The International, they have not lost the spirit or stopped tryharding every game and tournament they play in. Under the pressure of a best of 5 finals, coming back from a 0-2 deficit and winning is almost unheard of. Even as some of the players themselves mentioned right after TI7, winning leaves you with an emptiness, a loss of motivation.

    I'd like to know what you all think about this. I know this won't mean much to most of you coming from a 2k MMR player, but I know that despite my skill level, atleast I know for sure I'm not a scrub and know where I lack.

    Tldr: There is no tldr. This thread is for people who would like to engage in intellectual discussions and have longer attention spans than those required of memes.




        What's the point of this LUL


          Tldr: There is no tldr. This thread is for people who would like to engage in intellectual discussions and have longer attention spans than those required of memes.





            chicken spook,,,,



                Unlike most dicks here on Dotabuff, I totally get you bro. Dota's a real sport that requires a lot of maturity and mental stability. Nice that you pointed those things out because it's with that attitude that you will get out of 2k. Good luck bro. I used to be in 2k too - keep it up and you'll get to 3k in no time.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  the best thing about liquid is that it is composed of 5 players with the same attitude and mentality throught the game. they all know how and when their power spikes are, they all are aware of everything during teamfights, so that when a guy gets fiends gripped, it only takes them like 1 second for them to cancel it and most importantly, they all realize that the game is not over until the throne falls. this is especially a big deal because when even only 1 person in the end game gets tilted/doesnt want to play anymore, they drag the whole team town. this is apparent on teams like empire and eg where the players are clearly having problems throught the game and dont stay composed.


                    tldr lawl


                      Thread revived? PogChamp

                      Good points, though I think Liquid go far beyond not tilting after bad moments in games. They remain steadfast after losing multiple games and come back to win the series. That is the main point I wanted to make about the team. Agree with Empire and EG btw.


                        Na'Vi is semi-back
                        Barring some wild twist, Liquid will probably retain TI, not really seeing anyone who can depose them right now


                          Too early to say.


                            post is appreciated


                              your comment is appreciated

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                WHAT IMPRESSES ME MOST ABOUT TEAM LIQUID



                                  That four of them are in top six rank of Europe