General Discussion

General DiscussionSmarter people are better at LoL and Dota2

Smarter people are better at LoL and Dota2 in General Discussion

    Gonna cite this study the next time someone posts why they can't cross 1k.


      It's the same research posted by another guy yesterday. Did the post get deleted? I was explaining to that Jacked dog how braindead he is for the 1000th time and suddenly the thread was gone.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        He probably deleted it.

        chicken spook,,,,

          I read it as
          "Smarter people are better at LoL than Dota2"


            Smart people are better at things, who would have ever guessed??


              ^ anyone not retarded i think

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Gotta learn that curve maths to get beyond 5k FeelsBadMan

                死の恐怖 Haseo



                    This is very interesting, but not surprising. IQ has a positive correlation with most intellectual activities.

                    In particular, it should be clear that a total idiot will be completely unable to play Dota2 at all.

                    Still though, the correlation of .44 (the highest one they found) is lower than the correlation between IQ and e.g. high school exams indicating that there are even more confounding factors in something like MMR. (tilt, how much you played this patch, etc)...

                    Story Time

                      ^they need to account for emotional intelligence too i think


                        Who would have thunk it.


                          I didn't delete my thread, admins must've gotten rid of it because I go to bed seeing it get to 2 pages and wake up to "page does not exist". Guess it got too heated?

                          Story Time

                            still people who decide to play dota voluntary are idiots, unless they earn money with it


                              ^ Beats alcoholism and hookers and drugs.

                              Friendly player

                                So you are saying that everyone who wants to play a video game is an idiot? Well cool shit bro.

                                Story Time

                                  just trolling, chill :D


                                    lol u guys should've seen what SLQ wrote, that bitch was like yea no wonder im smart and high MMR, which you're neither btw.

                                    ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                      I'm neither why, 'cause a dumbshit who lives on the other side of the world and doesn't even know me said that on an online forum? lmao you're a living joke.
                                      Now just because you spent 3 months on the forum calling me a retard and dunning krueger1!1!!1 for that hidden pool thing and then Volvo proved you wrong and everyone saw what kind of arrogant, worthless edgy kid you are it doesn't mean you have to find every excuse to tease me. Get over it, you were wrong, you think you're this smart guy who understands things about dota and shit but you're not. You're nothing but a frustrated, narcissistic dog who plays the part of the troll on the internet just to not face who you really are. Always using the fact that I write essays as an excuse to not read, truth is you don't wanna face reality, you sad piece of shit lol
                                      I was right and you were wrong, get over it edgy kid.


                                        Being smart in a world of monkeys is such hard work.



                                          anyone with half a brain can see the shit you write and safely conclude you have 0 intelligence.

                                          ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                            Uuh stalking my profile again, that's so normal lol. Not anyone, only dogs who can't get over the fact that they were wrong and look for every excuse to start arguing conclude that. Get over it dunning krueger!11!!1ONE11!!

                                            Btw since you brought that up (did you find out where I live too you mentally sick dumbshit? lol), it's exactly 'cause of retards like you that I wrote it. One wants to spend some time sharing opinions on a forum but nah, the attention seeking edgy monkey has to tease people with random offenses. Just stop, just get over it lol

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                              Being smarter helps with anything. Music, jobs, sports, vidya whatever

                                              But I know really smart people that are bronze elo in LoL and someone that almost flunked calc that is way better than me at DotA

                                              ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                ^You should also take into account how interested these people are in playing well and learning the game. Maybe the guy who's bronze plays LoL while doing a billion other things, thinking about other stuff and doesn't care about the game itself. But I think it's pretty safe to say that if you take 2 people who are equally interested in a MOBA and track their game experiences, the smarter guy will always have a skill advantage over the other one, simply because he understands strategies and mechanics more quickly and is more inclined to plan things better. This kind of games suit people who have a very rational mind, so the higher the IQ the easier it will be to climb. Then there are other factors like EQ and the ability to focus, the mental state one is in etc.

                                                Also the latest theory about intelligence states that there are 9 types of intelligence, not just the rational/logical one. But in this research they considered only this last one. So people can still be smart and not be able to play a MOBA well, they just may have another type of intelligence, one inclined more towards artistic things for example.

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                  play game make u become more retard and wasting time i regret wasting my life on playing video game

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                    i know where you live bitch. btw get over yourself man lol. i dont understand how you could even think that you were in anyway 'right'. oh well, low IQ slu.t

                                                    ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                      No surprise you know where I live dumbshit, seeing how mentally challenged you are. I don't even know how they haven't banned you yet. It's not that you don't understand it, it's that you can't accept it lol, get over it frustrated attention wh.ore. "low IQ slu.t" lmao so weak


                                                        @Jacked the more you talk it show how low EQ you are


                                                          yea i;ve actually seen u irl, you look mentally challenged. lol

                                                          ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                            That was a mirror lmao


                                                              uhhh..i was expecting a more entertaining answer. but okay i guess.


                                                                keep talking about how smart you are and how right you were. i liked that alot. lol

                                                                ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                  No I'm having fun reading the reply in the other post where you said you're dead inside lmao, why am I not surprised edgy kid.
                                                                  Arrogant, toxic, attention seeking, likes to offend people 'cause it makes him feel better about himself, dead inside lol, are you a psycho edgy kid? And most importantly, can you get over it?


                                                                    lmao. you're fucking gold. you don't understand anything.

                                                                    ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                      lmao I'll take that as a yes


                                                                        more stalking

                                                                        you need urgent mental help.

                                                                        ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                          What urgent mental help lmao. I can write whatever I want after a game ends and complain for those 2 min before forgetting about the game. More stalking 'cause you decided you're on your way to crush me and show everyone on the forum that I'm the retarded one that needs help, not you that stalk my profile, offend me for no reason and are clearly a psycho lol. Doesn't work edgy kid, just give up. And get over it lol


                                                                            uhhh okay. just keep thinking youre right about everything. like how you're smart and high mmr (Wtf?). keep coming up with your theories and conspiracies. never change. and please accept my friend request u slu.t


                                                                              u actually showed in ur feed the kind of mental instability you have over a game mate. like u actually haven ormal behaviour score now and u have nothing to blame so youre obviously emotiona and upset lol. get a grip.


                                                                                lol yea im psycho for you. im coming for you tmr btw. ever wonder why i always hated you so much? because you bullied me in school. that's right

                                                                                ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                                  Who said I'm right about everything lmao, are you done twisting what people say and trying to manipulate conversations? You're beyond ridiculous. Wtf what lol, I am smart and I said I'm in the top 15% dota players, not that I'm gonna win next TI, that's what YOU want to make it look like smh. And by "theories and conspiracies" you mean one opinion about matchmaking that turned out to be true? lmao
                                                                                  Aaah these manipulative cluster B dumbshits.


                                                                                    75 IQ 6000 mmr reporting in


                                                                                      uh no. your theory about matchmaking is still completely wrong. fuck. i thought we;ve been through this. whatever man you're obviously a delusional-type personality. look at your highly hysterical and emotional non-critical writing filled with conspiracies about everything. that was what drove your underlying thesis about behaviour score and not any critical thinking or logic.

                                                                                      and i just love how easy it is to trigger you.

                                                                                      I Give Ladies Anal

                                                                                        Thats why most pro dota players are Asians, particularly East Asians. Even in LoL and other competitive gaming scene there are dominated by East Asians or South East Asians of Chinese descent. Most professors in a big name universities like Stanford or UC Berkeley are Asians. We have higher IQs than Europeans. You know everytime you have some Korean or Chinese names in your team, you are more likely to win. This is not surprising.

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                        ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                                          That's true indeed, I have said that I got low EQ and can't handle losses on dota, so the best way for me to release the stress is to write a comment in my own feed that I'm gonna forget about within 2 minutes. Who needs mental help, me or the edgy kid who's so frustrated and psycho that he needs to offend me for months, twist facts and stalk my profile? lol man you're a joke.


                                                                                            you are basically the equivalent to the guy who was accidental right about something for completely the wrong reason, and then laughing and jumping about like a pompous idiot. lol


                                                                                              it's like. "ohhh the earth is round you know, all you people who think the earth is flat is wrong. i know im right, because i have a round belly".

                                                                                              and btw your theory is still wrong. because u have always used BS as an excuse for playing bad. which makes no sense. sry. there's no evidence you get matched with a good team while having a bad team yourself.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                                                Nah nah my idea was that behavior score counts and different pools exist, and in fact Volvo confirmed it. Keep twisting facts edgy kid lmao.
                                                                                                "highly hysterical and emotional non-critical writing filled with conspiracies about everything" that's what's in your twisted mind, not in reality edgy kid. I write stuff after a tough game, no big deal, I had one opinion about matchmaking and it was confirmed, no big deal.

                                                                                                "and i just love how easy it is to trigger you" I know, that's what a cluster B dog would say lol. Find the perfect "victim" that gets triggered easily and offend her just not to think about how dead inside you are lmao. Makes you feel good doesn't it? Thinking that I'm even remotely interested in the bullshit you say and hurt by it lol. What you didn't get is that I'm behind a pc laughing at how mentally sick you are lmao.

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  #TeamJacked let out the inner diox


                                                                                                    sorry, but your underlying premise was not only that hidden pools existed. you realised that when ppl kept telling u that it doesnt matter if hidden pools existed. because it's still balanced. and then thats where you start arguing that only ppl on your team are equally 'hidden pooled'.

                                                                                                    so yeah. your only reason for believing in a hidden pool is because u want to blame your team for your shitty play and toxic personality.


                                                                                                      i like how your delusional mind has twisted facts for the convenience of your own reality.

                                                                                                      btw pls accept my friend request <3 so i can stalk you more

                                                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                                      ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                                                        "u have always used BS as an excuse for playing bad" lmao do you even read what you write. If you get matched with toxic people and leavers of course you'll play worse and lose most games. This thing about matchmaking was confirmed by Volvo, tons of other people have had the same experience and now bhs is something people talk about normally, 'cause now everyone knows that bhs makes a difference in matchmaking. Guess who's the only dumbshit who still can't get over the fact that people aren't dunning krueger!111!!! and that he was wrong? LUL