General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy BS radiance in low mmr?

Why BS radiance in low mmr? in General Discussion
Story Time

    Pls remind me, why Bloodseeker goes radiance in every damn game below 5k mmr bracket. Are they retarded and want to have 1 item with brown boots at min 24?

    зачем я начал поиск

      If you get Radiance at minute 24, problem is not the Radiance.

      Riguma Borusu

        ah, the classic "my teammates are shit at farming so I don't understand how they can go this build".

        It is quite true though, if you are that bad at farming you shouldn't go first item radiance, just having a casual yasha 15 minutes into the game even if it is really late and bad is way better.

        Radiance can only be rushed when you know you're going to survive what the enemy has to throw at you, and when you can get it at a reasonable time. Having phase/treads + radiance 25 minutes into the game is less than 7k net worth which is FUCKING TERRIBLE, that's fucking 280 GPM!

        Story Time

          i always recommend to all my useless friends to buy blademail, because at least this will securethat they will deal some damage in teamfight before dying xD


            24mins? are they afk for 10mins at the start of the game?


              I mean I managed to get phase MIDAS radiance in 19 minutes

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                because thats the only viable build?


                  That’s nothing. One time I got brown boots and radiance in 33 minutes. Can you beat that?


                    If it's Midas before rad u can have it at 20 but that's greedy

                    Radiance is a win more item, if u r struggling with handling their burst please consider another item


                      Radiance is the core item on bloodseeker


                        radiance on blood not needed in like EVERY game.


                          because they wanna be rtz


                            I think it all started in dota 1 where people bought radiance as a farming item on seeker because of how the old thirst worked? And people are inbred

                            Story Time

                              isnt BF now a better farming item?


                                does bloodseeker really need a farming item?

                                Story Time

                                  ^well that was the question i was waiting all along. I am sure he does not farm creeps but heros, unless really bad pick for him


                                    Radiance is never bought for farming mate. Although it does help ur farming.

                                    No idea what acceptable radiance timing is on blood. But radiance is a very acceptable build on blood u fools.


                                      It's an item that suits the play style of the hero.


                                        ya alchemist and spectre totally dont buy radiance for farming :thinking:

                                        ofc it does more in fights than a bf or a midas would. and it works with illusions. but still... it is a farming item

                                        I can’t believe its not h...

                                          Because bkb is a non existing item in low mmr games and even sand king with skull Basher can win a game


                                            no i dont buy radiance for farming on spectre actually lul


                                              I honestly don't see radiance as a core build on Blood... I lean towards it if I am literally melting faces and have the farm to back it up. Otherwise, I prefer S+Y even sabre to help the slow/lightning mobility, blademail if I need the sustain, Ags if they are mobile and I wanna annoy the supports/cores by making them stand still.


                                                The only acceptable farming items on bs are MoM and radiance

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  ^yasha/SnY is actually a good item for farming as well, since you can rotate camps really fast

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                                                    tbh u dont even need a farming on bs,
                                                    ur right, u can just buy casual yasha and farm well cuz of bloodrage and shit


                                                      I go midas into maelstrom by default. Bad build? It's 2 items almost exclusively for farming. I get them at decent times though, approx 7 mins for midas then 13-14 for maelstrom. Help me out here

                                                      Edit: 9 mins for midas, because I finish up treads first. Also, sometimes I deviate, blade mail instead

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                                                        ^maelstrom is ass imo, u may need mjollnir later against pl or smth, but otherwise u want to bulk up a bit or ur too squishy with bloodrage on