General Discussion

General Discussionriki power niggaz

riki power niggaz in General Discussion

    So, despite all changes and all nerfs to riki, we can say fu to valve.

    There is one huge buff to riki, and i find very few people using it.
    Buy nulifier - no bkb, no force staff, no ghost scepter +25 ez confirmed.


      Pls don't use the N word on my anti racism LGBTQ animal vegan rights forum ty

      Riguma Borusu

        the correct term in dota is "nahaz" not "niggaz"

        < blank >



            why you arent talking about topic? topic is that nulifier is op for riki, it mutes enemy for 5 seconds, thats completely enough for kill, it also slows enemy on every hit, meaning if you catch someone 1v1 and there is nothing to save him, you just kill.


              just want to say that riki with daedalus in lategame also crits for 1.6k+ (depends on how many butterflies you have, scaling up to 2k), however its not by that much stronger than in example maxed out shadow fiend (backpack aghanim 46 souls and +3 soul dmg) crits.
              The talent crit is just 1k-ish coz its low but it still increases your crit chance by a lot.

              We PA now.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
              Cheap Laugh Guy

                ah. that's really legit.

                Player 153433446

                  Its kinda obvious maybe