General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to rant about OC cards

I want to rant about OC cards in General Discussion

    I literally checked all ur vhs games, all of them are 4k average.

    Please dude don't you ever open your mouth again you shitstain 4k trash.


      Imagine how your life looks like if you have to lie about your MMR. I mean, come on, that's some pityful way of living..

      Giff me Wingman




          hey mr 4k how u doing xD

          Giff me Wingman

            He mr 3k how u doing?

            1st class tourist

              Its mr 3.5k. U mr 4k

              Giff me Wingman

                See that pretty blue star? That's something u can never reach mr 3k ARE YOU SAD CUZ?


                  Blunt I'm checking your 2014/2015/2016/2017 games

                  What I see is that all of ur games are between 3.5k-4.5k with maybe a couple 5k-5.5ks but as I said that happends some times in the 4k bracket.

                  There's so much evidence that you're a 4k player yet you claim to be 6k player when you're getting smashed in most of your 4k games. Pretty strange right? I thought 6k meant you're good but you have 51% win rate in 430 games in the 4k bracket hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm there must something strange going on here. I still can't believe that someone like you even dares to even open his mouth and still talk shit after he just got totally exposed of being a 4k player himself. You can't even defend yourself you dumb 4k dog.


                    Made a meme for you;



                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    Giff me Wingman

                      So you logic:

                      Also Vertox:
                      N O R M A L S K I L L
                      Solo MMR

                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      Solo MMR
                      N O R M A L S K I L L
                      N O R M A L S K I L L
                      N O R M A L S K I L L
                      N O R M A L S K I L L
                      N O R M A L S K I L L

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                      1st class tourist

                        U take printscreens witj ur left nutsack or wat


                          You're 4k. Your highest MMR is flat 5k, and it's debatable whether or not you've archived it all by yourself.

                          What that being said, even if you were, it was in the past. I used to be 4.4k, I'm stuck in 3.4k for past 4 months or so.

                          Not to mention being flat 5k is actually pretty damn awful coinsidering that all good players are well above that.

                          Any decent player with some brain could hit 5k and blue start, meaning you're just stupid.

                          1st class tourist

                            Ppl calling others mmr when below 4k...smh /s

                            Giff me Wingman

                              Even as 4k you shouldn't be calling out MMR on anyone with blue star, cuz u're automaticly below.

                              N O R M A L S K I L L

                              and 3k hanter, soon the be:
                              N O R M A L S K I L L

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                              1st class tourist

                                Any decent player with some brain could hit 5k and blue start, meaning you're just stupid

                                So ur saying u nd me r stupid????????????????????????????????

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Cores is on fire. N O R M A L S K I L L is in trouble.

                                  Critical hit.
                                  It's super effective.
                                  N O R M A L S K I L L fainted.

                                  I find it hilarious that core pointed out how braindead N O R M A L S K I L L vertox is and showcasing how vertox is basicially insulting everyone below 5k including soon to be N O R M A L S K I L L Hanter.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    This blunt is hilarious. :D :D


                                    Not gonna waste my time on @ Cores retard Cores guy

                                    Just an example of how people can follow stupid Blunt because they think he's hotshit.

                                    Go bend over more to him stupid dude.

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      HAHAHAHAHA Cores Annihilates vertox with logic and what does N O R M A L S K I L L vertox do?

                                      Not gonna waste my time on @ Cores retard Cores guy


                                      Hey vertox:

                                      Gonna give props to cores, he's the first normal skill guy I've seen on dotabuff with braincells. Applause.

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                        4k blunttard im not sure why you're talking about vertoxity when it's all about you. You're the one that claims to be 6k when he's 4k lmao. There's enough evidence to show that you're a 4k player and that you struggle in 4k. You said it was interntional ranked bla bla bla checked ur games you were 4k in 2014 so dota2 interntional ranked that was made in 2016 probably existed in 2014 too but only just for u, u had the beta access man. OR you were ''upcoming 6k pro player from the 4k bracket climbing his way up from the trench and got his 6k mmr by now'' < definitely not the case because you're losing all your 4k games.

                                        Anyways, in order for me to be normal skill I'd have to drop 1350 mmr considering I'm 4650 now.

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                          HEY GUYS

                                          IM BLUNT THE 6K MMR PLAYER..............


                                          7K, SORRI I LIED

                                          IM ALSO VERY GOOD WITH COMPUTERS

                                          I MAKE OLD Q6600 RUNS DOTA STABLE 120 FPS WITH HD4890

                                          IM ALSO A WIZZARD

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            4k blunttard im not sure why you're talking about vertoxity [b]when it's all about you[/b]

                                            Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thanks for your attention 3k boy

                                            IM ALSO A WIZZARD

                                            YES I AM.
                                            Just because I'm not imcompetent like you doesn't mean I can't make shit work

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                              suck my fucking d 1 c k

                                              1st class tourist

                                                ^ ill pray to the almighty lord to help you with this disease you have called; autism

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  I swear to god ur discord name is accurate ROFL

                                                  1st class tourist

                                                    Not gonna waste my time on @ Cores retard Cores guy
                                                    Just an example of how people can follow stupid Blunt because they think he's hotshit.
                                                    Go bend over more to him stupid dude

                                                    The only reason why I am saying shit to u is because ur a 3k flaming 4-5k lmfao

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      Let me fix: You're flaming him because he has autism. it's not even the fact that he flames someone that has higher MMR, it's the fact that he flames someone with higher MMR for being shit at the game and that it's easy to get blue star while not being able to get blue star himself,


                                                        MMR has nothing to do with this. I'm gonna flame anyone I want to.

                                                        Being better at Dota doesn't give you protection from cristism or anything.

                                                        Get a fucking life or grow up if you haven't already. Dota MMR doesn't correlate with anything, it's just a fucking MMR.

                                                        How stupid you have to be, for real? Blunt is an idiot and what not, but he's at least not stupid guy, now that we're talking srsly.

                                                        You're just lost case.

                                                        meteor hammer

                                                          watever my meme was funny blunt meltdown #2659 over purchasing shiny blue star isnt


                                                            Clear evidence that blunt is 4k, case closed.

                                                            1st class tourist

                                                              Pretty sure the entire thread has to do with mmr unless you are missjng these

                                                              But REEEE REEE REEE REEEEE REEE OP was talking about gpu

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                Blue star or not, I could've paid someone to boost me like you did, or just buy the account like you DID and I'd be blue star.

                                                                With that being said, not everyone with above 20 gets enough time to waste on video-game exclusivly.

                                                                I'm not rich retarded piece of s.. like you. Gotta work and gotta pay the bills. Not to mention there's so much more than Dota in life, I guess and I hope you're aware of it.

                                                                I have no problems admiting someone is better than me at Dota, but the fact that you lie about your MMR and in general, and you tend to do it quite often triggers people.

                                                                I mean, cmon...

                                                                Q6600 runing 120 FPS
                                                                Overclocking GTX750ti to nearly 2000MHz for core.


                                                                Yes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about something.

                                                                Yet again, I'm aware this is stupid forum and you give 0 fucks about any of us telling you shit, but since you like atention and trolling/arguing/flaming/circlejerking, guess what, I do to..

                                                                Have a nice day, I'm gonna go and take some food and watch The Flash :)

                                                                1st class tourist

                                                                  Make sure u have some time to spare to watch the flash!!!! U r a responsible human being!!!!!!!!!!!!



                                                                    I'm more responsable than you, probably.

                                                                    Let me give you a quick hint or a life-lesson:

                                                                    Even people who work get time to do shit and watch The Flash :)

                                                                    Not to mention you have 0 clue what I work or how do I live, so why the fuck you assume without any arguments?

                                                                    Oh wait, you're just lost case, I forgot.

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                    1st class tourist

                                                                      Doubt u do anything better than filling grocery store shelves

                                                                      Yes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about somethingYes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about somethingYes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about somethingYes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about somethingYes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about somethingYes, I'm aware not everything you say is a lie, but at least 10 out of 5 times you lie about something

                                                                      I bet you are the einstein of this generation



                                                                        Just a fucking mistake, get over it.

                                                                        If I cared I could've edited it long time ago.

                                                                        Even if I do exactly what you said I'm not gonna say anything.

                                                                        Simply assume and judge people out of the blue. Good attidude. :)

                                                                        1st class tourist

                                                                          Simply assume and judge people out of the blue. Good attidude. :)

                                                                          Arent u judging blunt out of the blue the entire thread ? Lmao buddy go watch ur flash



                                                                            Not really mate. I don't judge him out of the blue. There's some strong evidence and reasons why many people dislike him.

                                                                            I'm downloading it in 1080p, just Finished my download. About to start the episode. :)

                                                                            1st class tourist

                                                                              So ur disliking someone because others dislike him too? Kanker debiel

                                                                              Downloading tv series/movies in this day and age lmao

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                No, ofc. I dislike him because I dislike him. It has nothing to do with others.

                                                                                Why not? What's wrong with downloading movies/series in "this" age?

                                                                                1st class tourist

                                                                                  Waste of your precious time

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    how much fps increase do you get out of overclocking a gpu anyway? I thought it was very low like 5, maybe 10% max. If your card is so underpowered you're getting ~30 fps, going to 33 isn't going to be noticable.


                                                                                      Playing Dota 2 is waste of time too, and we're all doing it.

                                                                                      I actually really enjoy the Show, so why would I miss it. Objectivly, it's waste of time, true.

                                                                                      But I don't care.


                                                                                        @ Direwolf

                                                                                        It really depends. If your CPU is capable more than your GPU, OC-ing GPU will increase your FPS depending of how much you overclocked it.

                                                                                        If your CPU is bad, obviously, overclocking the CPU would give you better results.

                                                                                        Saying you run GTX750ti and i5 4690k for example, the GPU will be weaker than CPU so by overclocking it you might squeeze some extra FPS if you're running Dota 2 on higher presents or maxed-out.

                                                                                        But since I rock and Core i5 750 on @ 4.2GHz and GTX560ti currently, I have no reasons to overclock my GPU any higher, because GTX560ti is uncapable of providing stable @ 100 FPS for ultra high or high details.

                                                                                        Not to mention that I like running Dota 2 on 100% render with everything else disabled.

                                                                                        beast player

                                                                                          waht the fuck did this forum turn into

                                                                                          1st class tourist

                                                                                            Playing Dota 2 is waste of time too, and we're all doing it.
                                                                                            I actually really enjoy the Show, so why would I miss it. Objectivly, it's waste of time, true.
                                                                                            But I don't care.

                                                                                            Talking about downloading movies/tv series. Not watching them

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              @Direwolf, I modded a GTX 670M to double the performance.

                                                                                              I suggest ignoring vertox tho, I didn't read his post but he's garbage and is nothing but a poor amateur.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              1st class tourist

                                                                                                Which 1080ti u shits recommend

                                                                                                All of them perform the same

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  Get an OC 1080TI, but you need to mod the vBIOS, OC cards tend to be sold with better silicon but have terrible power management in the vBios and such, which makes the card run unstable (much like the 750TI on OP), which makes the max OC easier to achieve on good temps with modded vBios.

                                                                                                  1st class tourist

                                                                                                    Not gunna oc it anyways
                                                                                                    Factory "oc" is nice

                                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                      Nah factory OC is garbage, since it just makes ur FPS more unstable. If you don't plan on OC anyways, then just get stock 1080 so at least ur frames don't dip. Frametime and FPS have to be as stable as possible for the best experience.